But yet, they don't look down at teens having sex? Isn't any teen that has sex before marriage just as bad? Just because you result in a child, doesn't mean that you did anything "worse" than a girl that did the same thing you did but used protection. PLUS sometimes someone using protection still results in getting pregnant. Any teen that is having sex is equivalent to a teen that got pregnant! Having a baby is just as mature as having sexual intimacy.
It gets me mad.
Why do people call teens sluts and look down at them for getting pregnant?
I don't necessarily look down on them, but it does really annoy me when they come on here saying things like "OMFG!! I'm only 14 and I think I might be pregnant I am so scared, how do I tell my parentS?!? How much is an abortion?!?" or the ones who say "My bf and I are reeeeellly in luv do u think we shuld get pregnat?" eh..you get my point...
Those teens are complete jackasses and should not procreate. Anyone else who takes a more "mature" step toward it I have no problem with, I understand no ones perfect and accidents happen.
Reply:Most people do look down at both and it is unfortunate. People can be very judgemental. Everyone makes mistakes, some are just more obvious than others. If you are in this situation I am sorry and I am sure it is difficult but keep your head up. They can only bring you down if you let them. What makes me laugh is I here women now say that kind of stuff about teens that I personally know they had sex at that age. (worrk friends and friends from home) I always say, we were no different. We just got lucky that we never got pregnant.
Reply:i dont think having a baby makes a teen a slut by no means..i just hate to see a teen have a baby and not get to enjoy their teen years..as much as they would if they didnt have one..i had my first when i was 21 and was not married and being a single mom at any age is difficult...
Reply:I also say that people are not calling teens sluts because they are pregnant, it is because they are having sex, because if you are pregnant you obviously had sex. And you can no longer hide the fact that you had sex. I do not think it is right that teens are looked down on for having sex. I did it i just didn't get pregnant. And a lot of my friends had children before they were 18.
Reply:i kno its so dumb! and i dont really c wat the problem is anyway! if 2 ppl r ready 2 hav kids it duznt matta wat age they r in my opinion! and i gotta say that i hav seen more GOOD teen parents than good adult parents coz adults r too impatient but teens understand their children better.
wat i hate is wen i c ppl giviing dirty looks and making rude commenta at my friensd *she is 14* wen she is looking after her nephew coz ppl think he is her child... we usually just say 'yea wat? neva seen a teen mum b4?'
Reply:in this day and age with schools and planned parent hood shoving condoms down teens throats, there is no reason for teenage pregnancy. doesn't anyone worry about aids or hepatitis anymore?
"Having a baby is just as mature as having sexual intimacy." what is so mature about having a baby as a teenager? sexual intimacy...gimme a break...it's called raging hormones.
my sister's daughter had her son at age 14 (eighth) grade. my sister let her daughter do whatever she wanted...didn't guide her or talk to her about sex. my sister was stuck raising a grand child because a 14 year old is a child herself.
that child is now 24 years old and totally messed up in the head. wait until marriage or at least until you graduate from school before you engage in sex.
you play, you pay.
Reply:Who says they don't look down on teens having sex?
Reply:honestly i think its just as bad when adults do it because many times they just end up in a situation that is hard. i guess the only difference is that as an adult more people have a job and are more stable (sometimes). so a lot of people think that teenagers dont have the mindset and are not ready for the consequences sex can have like pregnancy.
Reply:My biological mother was 15 when she had me, that was in the beginning of the 1970's. My sister's mom was 19 when she had her. That was back in 1975. My sister and I are not biologically related. We were both given up for adoption. From the papers I have received from the adoption agency, which was a closed file, they can only release so much information. Apparently my father left my mother before he knew she was pregnant with me. My mother was 15 and my father was 19, back in 1972.
I don't know to this day who my biological mother and father are. They were both young. I don't think my mother even told my father. Apparently they split soon after or before she knew she was pregnant with me. My mother gave me up for adoption then stayed in school, she was in grade 10 at the time. I have no clue if I have any half brothers or sisters.
Reply:I think its because the teen who is pregnant isn't just ruining her own life now, she is effecting her baby's life.
When people hurt a teen its one thing, they can think and act for themselves. When you hurt an innocent baby, thats another matter.
Not ALL teens who have sex are irresponsible anyway. I got married at 16 (no me and my husband were not pregnant I just knew he was the right one)
Plus when a teen gets pregnant you can expect the 'A' word to come up, and that always gets people pissed off.
Teens are going to do what they want though, its just BETTER if they protect form pregnancy.
In the 1800's, when you were a teen was the age where you had your baby's...
Its a society thing more than anything. It just all depends on responsibility.
Reply:You are right, a teen that has sex and doesn't get pregnant took the same risk as the teen who did get pregnant. The same holds true for everyone, no matter what age they are. Safe sex isn't always 100% guaranteed. For the teen who does get pregnant, it is important that she is supported by her family and friends. The opinions of other people do not matter. Again, the same holds true for women who have unplanned pregnancies at any age.
Reply:ahh i think when they say slut they actually r calling her a slut for having sex............. teens r young n have their whole life ahead n having kids can screw up alot for u at a young age.....
Reply:sounds double standard to me. You are very right. I always feel teens are cheated of their childhood by falling pregnant.
Sluts is definitely not what they are. A baby is always a blessing, irrespective of the age of the parent.
Reply:Well i don't think people can know if teens are having sex or not.. they just know about the ones that got pregnant! Besides, girls should be smarter than that %26amp; use protection, it really is dumb to have unprotected sex when not ready for a baby, of course, i know BC fails, that's why pills + condoms should be used at all times.. i don't think it's ok to have sex before marriage, but if teens are going to, they should at the very least be safe.. i try not to look down on anyone, but can't help to think that a 16 year old who got pregnant should've been smarter %26amp; thought about birth control!!
Reply:i don't think it is right for people judge young others- babies are miracles, after all!! i think i may know the reason, though. you can't just look at a teen and know if they are sexually active. when you see a pregnant teen, you know without a doubt that they've had sex. i think people may channel frustration or ill will about all teens that sex into pregnant teens- because those are the only ones they know FOR SURE are sexually active. calling pregnant teens sluts is just plain ignorant, though.
Reply:I'm not really sure why but I do believe that most teens don't have a job to support, that they go on welfare that our taxes that was taken out of our paychecks pays them not to work. Or maybe like most adults have hard time having a child and seeing that teens that are pregnant upsets them. Or they we have to work extra hard to be able to support the family and everything else. Those are my perspectives and no I'm not calling teens sluts or looking down on them.
Reply:It does anger me that there are teens who are having babies and they don't even know how to care for themselves...but no one deserves to be called names.
Reply:i don't know...it happened to me, but it never bothered me, now everybody loves my baby
Reply:I was 16 when i had my first child...I was using protection..the pill and a condom...and i still got pregnant....
I know i got looked down on...but not by good friends and family...but other people outside of my situation...but i though i was being safe...but things happen...
I wasn't ready but i had to get ready cause i didn't believe in abortions. I don't regret getting pregnant at 16 i finished high school and graduated from college right on schedule...and got a good job working for the county.
So to any teen out there that's pregnant...your not alone...but be successful for not only you but your child...because now its not just you that you have to worry about...
I dont look down on pregnant teens...maybe because i was one...but i told my parents before i even started having sex and they helped me with BC...i hope my child doesnt make that move as early as i did...
My life didnt end when i got pregnant...i still went out with my friends...they helped me feel better by going to places i felt comfertable going....but yes sex before marriage is not good...but if you do...make sure you get protection and make smart decissions on, If i get pregnant will he help me or leave me?
Good Luck...and be safe..there are worse things you can get beside being pregnant!
Reply:I got pregnant at 17 and I didn't have that problem. I got pregnant by the guy I lost my virginity too so I guess you can't really just call me a sllut for sleeping with one guy at 17! Maybe a little irresponsible for not using protection but I was new to it all and everyone makes mistakes.
Reply:I look down on anyone not married having sex, regardless of age.
Reply:double standard..same reason guys can sleep with as many girls as they want and be congratulated. And girls are called sluts...it'll never change
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