Friday, April 16, 2010

Partying teens.. NORMAL?

I'm a teen, senior year in highschool. My mentality 90% of teens drink and party..personally i just want to have fun and i enjoy drinking although i am underage..its not that i get peer pressured or wanna seem cool or anything its just FUN and a social thing. Of course i know its against the law but the law is not black n white or always enforced, many kids get away with partying. But i want to live my life to the fullest and do whatever brings me the most fun cause i don't want to live by fear of punishment or consequences..i mean thats just lame. Not doing something because i might get in trouble sounds stupid, i just dont do anything that will hurt myself or others. When i go out with friends and all I might not always be "good" but im ALWAYS cautious and safe. Even though i like to party, i obviously know not to drink myself sick or drive a vehicle. I'm still a good person, honor student, college bound, so what do you say about my way of things?(my parents dont agree w/me)

Partying teens.. NORMAL?
i totally agree. i am also a senior and college bound. as long as teens are being safe then there is no reason why we shouldnt be able to have a few drinks and enjoy life.
Reply:I think it depends on each person and how well they know their limit, how sensible they are etc. I know people who drink at parties and stuff but they always manage to be quietly sensible, so they don't seem 'uncool' or whatever, but they never get hurt or do themselves a lot of damage.

But then there's also the people who go way over the top, the people who drink as much as they possibly can, who go out to deliberately get completely wasted, They're the one's who'll end up alcoholics or druggies or fail in college.

It's all about controlling yourself and being mature.
Reply:I'm a High School Senior too! AND I am also a sophomore in college (I am a PSEO student) I have a 4.6 GPA and I go to a private school.

I also drink underaged.

I just turned 18 and I go to parties with my friends and drink a little, there is nothing wrong with half a glass of an alcoholic beverage, it won't do anything to you (Hell Coffee does more to me than alcohol!) So if you keep it safe, do not go to wild parties where you will get caught because the neighbors will call, don't drink too much, make sure you have a good driver, Have fun!
Reply:your old enough to take care of these problems with out help.
Reply:Yeah drinking can cause problems and i dotn think you see it right, hopefully you will someday
Reply:iM a freshman and if I partyed tomorrow i would do the same thing, it is normal and i am one to go with the flow, and you sound like that too.
Reply:arent you the same guy who got grounded for trying to have a party without your parents knowing?
Reply:I used to drink when i was underage too - I looked old for my age and the law is very, very slack around where I grew up, so I was going into bars when I was 14 years old.

Looking back, it's a terrible, terrible thing to do. There are so many unnecessary risks you put yourself into that you don't even realise. If I could turn back the clock, I wouldn't drink. I too was a good student, college bound, everything. But there's only so safe you can be - your judgment is impaired when you drink alcohol, whether you realise it or not. I'm very lucky that nothing too bad ever happened to me. I definitely do not recommend underage drinking.
Reply:Be careful, this is how alcoholics are created.
Reply:almost every teen partys...its normal but somtimes things happen and mistakes happen and i guess u can say thats a part of growing up but there was huge mistakes i made as a teen and i wish i could go back and change them...not every teen makes a big mistake but some do cause by drinking and so on... i am now 24 and i understand now why parnets r so strick on things like this you will too once u grow up...I am not saying dont drink or party(because i know u will lol) but when u do things like this make sure u know what r u doing and ur limits because u dont want to end up 24 and wishing u could go back and change something u did!
Reply:I think you have a very immature way of looking at life. You should live life to it's fullest but when you are drinking, it is not always easy to tell when you have had enough. Your judgement is impaired. Most people that cause drunk driving accidents had no intention of hurting themselves or anyone else either. I say, if you are college bound, save your partying for there when you are 21. So, I have to agree with your parents. Sorry!
Reply:wow. Almost in college and already starting off on the right foot. keep it up and we'll see you on the "Dead By Morning" column in the newspaper.

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