Friday, April 16, 2010

Homeschooled TEENS!?!?!?!?!?!?

just wondern if any teens on here are homeschooled and how do you like it, and are you in a homeschool group?

i like bN homeschooled i'm 15 and i'm in a homeschool group called "key"

how about U?

it's nice to hear from another teen that's in homeschool!

Homeschooled TEENS!?!?!?!?!?!?
nope i go to ps sry! sometimes i wish i was hs though lol...maybe i wouldnt have to wake up soo early!
Reply:I love it! As for groups...Not in any.
Reply:I wish i was.. lol :)

I think homeschooling is good to an extent. Not saying I've gotten homeschooled, but I think it depends on the program.
Reply:I think homeschooling is part of the Religious Right conspiracy
Reply:i'm not but this one girl who really could tell she never got out much..
Reply:uh, well i was home schooled, and my mom taught me. i was home schooled pre k through 6th grade. i just got really bored but i loved waking at like 10am and working until 1pm everyday but it just got soooo boring. Now, i miss not waking up at 10 and no homework, so i wish i was again! btw i am in 10th grade
Reply:your lucky i wish i was!!!!! my friend was homeschooled and she said she liked it but she wasnt in any group her mom just taught her
Reply:nope i go to school (and i hate it)

i have 3 years and 5 more months left to go.
Reply:no i was never, but one of my friends his senior year too...sucked for him...his parents took him out becasue he got drugs from the kids in school :-/ ...but he said he hated it! he said it was boring and he wished he could have gone back to school

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