I am a pregnant teen!
I am 17 and 5 months pregnant I live with my husband
I have been on my own since 15 and living with him He is 20 years old not really a teen He makes enough money to support us and the baby and have plenty left over. He has one more test to get a licence to add to the other he has and he can start his own heating and air business.We are not struggling to make ends meet. We dont get checks from the government I do have Medicaid because Im not old enough to go on the insurance with maternaty.MY HUSBAND PAYS TAXES TO.We only use my insurance at the doctor not medicine and such We have our own house and land that we are buying We will own our land before age 30 thats better than a lot of others Im going to college to be an Accountant and will pay out of pocket not with a check from government tax payers.
NOW why do people have such a problem with all this. I am doing better then the majority of parents that are not teens. NOT all teens are irrisponsible I know many
Why does everyone bash pregnant teens? Read first please.?
ignorance. i got pregnant at 18, i just turned 19 and am 24 weeks pregnant. My hubby makes enough for all of us. we get nothing from the government but medicaid bc I couldnt get any other insurance but his insurance will cover the baby when shes born so we wont need it. were not using wic and we have everything we need and want including an amazingly perfect relationship better then that of my parents or any older couples Ive ever seen. We both already love our baby unconditionally and she will have a better childhood then half of the kids with 30 yr old parents have. Age doesnt determine everything. people are just judgemental and assume things.
Reply:No not all teen parents are irresponsible. But most are. That's why they get bashed. Because I know absolutely loads of people who get pregnant in their teens and don't work. People bash because a large majority of teen parents are irresponsible and live off the state, everyone pays taxes to put towards bringing up these kids (that's not the only thing taxes go to I know) and I knwo a couple who refuse to work because they get more money by sitting on their butt all day. It's annoying when you work hard and get so much taken off for taxes when hardly any of it actually benefits you or your community except people who have no self respect and would rather sponge off the state than hold their head up high and work to bring the money in for their kid. And if they don't wanna do that because they want to raise their own child, they can dhut up because who is putting the money towards raising their child? not them that's for sure............You seem to have your head screwed on and I hope your pregnancy goes well!
Reply:i dont bash pregnant teens because everyone makes mistakes. I dont even understand why ppl bash pregnant teens because alot of teens r havin sex these days but just not getting pregnant so wats the big deal. so basically it seems like its ok to have sex as long as u dnt get pregnant n thats so stupid. i know its not the best thing n the world to get pregnant at a young age ppl make it seem like your a bad person or your not as good as they r becuz u made a mistake and got pregnant. Also ppl stereotype u as being fast or being a ho when pregnacy only TAKES 1 TIME!! but anyways im jus saying i dnt judge pregnant teens.
Reply:I think you are confused. Refering to Mini-Spears, she is UNWED!!! Tha't what people are more huffy about, and she's a role model for young girls (supposedly). I think the Virgin Mary was only 14, and no one give a hoot about that!
Reply:Goody goody gumdrops! Do you want a medal?
PS: I hate to burst your bubble, but Medicaid is government assistance.
Reply:because unfortunately most pregnant teens are not married and living with their husbands..and have to live off their parents money and are very irresponsible.
kudos to you though for being responsible.
Reply:People dont have a problem with all pregnant teens, its the little sluts that did everything in site and werent responsible, still arent responsible, and will make their parents or the state pay for all of their needs and take care of their kid and just want the whole world to feel sorry for them because they are a teen and pregnant.
Reply:People bash teens that are pregnant because they believe that they should not have sex before they are married. Thats why. It doesnt matter if you are better off than people who are grown thats way besides the point. But I do hope that everything continues to go well with you
Reply:Not all teens think like you do. Nor have a supportive husband.
Reply:Most people have a problem b/c you are the exception, not the rule. It's great that you are able to handle this situation on your own, I myself also moved out and became responsible for myself at a young age. However, that is not true for the vast majority of teens, and when they become pregnant, it usually becomes someone else's responsibility, not theirs. Just be glad you don't fall into this category and understand that if people judge you, it's b/c they don't know you and are assuming you are just yet another irresponsible teen....there are a lot more of them than there are the of you. good luck.
EDIT: and no, there is not a nicer way to call teen pregnancy...teen pregnancy! That's what it is....just b/c you don't fall into the norm, doesn't mean society can't call the teen pregnancy epidemic exactly what it is....that's just being unrealistic.
Reply:Many teen mothers have asked this question and I always respond in the same way.
Look at the statistics. Most teen mothers do not marry the father of their child. Many teen parents DO NOT stay together. Most teen mothers are unwed. Many are receiving government assitance. Some are unfit to raise a child. Just because you are doing well, does not make the norm for any other pregnant teenager.
I was pregnant at 18. The "father" and I are no longer together. I worked long hours at McDonalds, grocery stores, warehouses just to make ends meet. I did, at one point, have my child and myself on Medicaid. My child was receiving WIC. I was living in a single wide trailer that rented for 350 dollars a month and I could barely afford it. I lived in housing that did not have heat, so I was using a kerosene heater that was both dangerous and made everything reek.
Now, I'm 25. I have been married for two years. I have another child with my husband and he has taken my 6 year old as his own. (Her "father" has not been in the picture for many years.) I watched as my house was being built. We own our own home. I am a stay at home mom because my husband makes enough money to support our family. I truly did have a "happily ever after".
However, was my life easy? Of course not! Does everyone teenage pregnancy story turn out like this? NO! I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say "Oh...you're 16 and pregnant.....Everything is going to be perfect." It's not. For most teen parents (if not all), it is a struggle, one that some parents have to face for MANY years. I don't think that just because there are rare instances where everything works out perfectly, we should just look the other way on teen pregnancy! Look at the facts! Fact is, most stories DO NOT turn out like ours.
Reply:I was raised by teens parents who abused and tortured me physically and mentally, teens are selfish by nature
Reply:Experience is a huge part of life, whether you're willing to admit it or not... the longer you live, the more experience you gain, and the wiser you are. However, this is all an ideal situation. Not all people who are older are wiser. Not all people who are wiser can properly raise a child.
Some people are just ready to raise a family at a young age... you may be one of those but you are one of the very few. Most teens are not ready and are "forced" to be ready.
Generally speaking, the success rate of something that is planned is better than that of something that is unplanned... this is in all aspects of life. Most teens aren't planning to get pregnant.
You're still young. The older you get, the more you'll realize that this is true and that teen pregnancy is not the smartest path. Besides, you lose a great part of your youth by becoming pregnant early... that can't be fun... why would you want to grow up so soon when you have all the rest of your life to be an adult with responsibilities?
Reply:all the have in their mind teen can't do anythink perfectly, but that is wrong.
Reply:good for you, you are doing well. i dont think people would have a problem with a responsible teen being pregnant. its the irresponsible ones they are referring too, which i would say would be the majority, since most teens are too immature to be parents.
There are always exceptions to the rule! congrats!!
Reply:I personally believe everything happens for a reason. People bash it because almost all teens are not ready to have babies because of maturity, money, and responsibility. I have always felt older than my age and looks like you have grown up very fast so you probably are too.
Don't worry about what people say, you know you better than anyone.
I will say finishing college is the absoulute best thing you can do for yourself and your family.
Good luck and congrats!
Reply:Who has a prob with this? You sound smart enough. Besides, you're 17, which is consentual age in MOST states, this means you're almost 18, and from the sounds of it, you're already an adult. I think the problem comes in when like 13-15 yr olds come on here saying that they're pregers or whatever, that a problem arises. If you are 14, and you are already having intercourse, and you don't even have a good support system in place, therefore, you have to come to Yahoo answers for help... then you are CRAZY ! That's what we all get upset about. People like you can do what they want, it's the people that come on here crying that need to grow up, and STOP having sex until they can handle ALL possible outcomes! That is all.
Reply:they are only bashing the irresponsible teens. U r probably 1 in a million that is settled down for that matter....let alone married. Most of them get pregnant when they are drunk and they just abandon their babies( like the one at walmart).
But it sounds like u and ur hubby are doing fine...i am quite glad for u....so when they bash, just remember that they are only bashing the bad ones.
Reply:Good for you. That's what I like to hear. You and your husband plan on taking care of your new responsibility. At such a young age, best wishes to your family.
And as for your question, teen pregnancy is reality. It's been around for a while. Society has to accept this rather they like it or not. No teen is perfect. Mistakes are made and in time they'll clear up. All in all, keep your chin up.
Reply:I only bash the ones who aren't as smart as you. I don't mean to do it but I always end up bashing because I'm just trying to make my point, that's all. Teenagers shouldn't be having sex and getting pregnant. Though, it seems that you're being responsible about this situation but....marriage at 16? All this so young? Why....?
I know I sound negative but really, congratulations on being so responsible.
Reply:Wow i am impressed, you sound pretty amazing for everythign you've done and how you see things, thats a really good quality, and if you're happy and you love the guy then i sya do whatever comes to mind. I never looked down on pregnant teens i am a teen, i always thoguth about what it would be like to be in that situation and many teens don't have it good, so i think it sucks. Especially for those that don't expect it. but you thats pretty sweet, that you're a teen and pregnant and happy, i just think there so much to life so much to see and experience that once you have kids all that is limited and thats the sucky part.
Reply:People have their reasons, their own opinions on the matter. If you are comfortable with the life you are living, ignore the negative comments and move on with your life....
I don't think I've bashed any teen parent on here. I give my honest opinions on what I feel is right on the matter. You either like it or you don't. The only teen parent I have bashed so far would be my youngest sister since I've seen first hand all the complications it has caused for herself and the rest of the family.
It's great that you know you are doing better than the majority of parents that are older than you. You may say this, but it is practically just your opinion. You're wondering why people are so rude to you, but you're doing the same thing assuming that the MAJORITY of parents that are not teens aren't doing as good as you? Sounds a bit cocky and immature. It doesn't make you immature, it's your statement that is.
Reply:You seem smart, do you really not understand why is it that older people bash pregnant teens?.. They think they are too young %26amp; simply not ready.. sometimes people look at me like disapproving because i look young, well i really am young (21) but i don't care because i am happy %26amp; my baby is a blessing.. I'm glad you are doing so good
God bless!
Reply:Who knows.
If anyone, and I mean anyone ever judged me for being 16 and pregnant..
I'd have a field day.
Especially since all the problems I had with my pregnancy.
Reply:I agree with you. Even in school they bash on pregnant teens. Some adults make it seem like your life is over once you get pregnant. It sounds like you are doing just fine so to hell with what People think or have to say. I am 18 I graduated I work my boyfriend graduated and works. I am 4.5 months pregnant and I am fine. As long as your happy then don't pay them any mind
Reply:i dont have a clue but im 16 and pregnant and i think others think of me as a disgrace thanks for stating this because i would like to see the answers good look in life by the way do you know what your having
Reply:Your're a kid and you have a kid.
You can wear high heels and dress like a woman but you are still a kid even if that upsets your ego. 17 years is not a life experienced person. At 25 you are probably at the better age.
Reply:Thank you for posting your question! You have left such a smile on my heart. Marriage and wedded pregnancy should be respected as a very acceptable choice for young adolescent women your age. Young marriages have been so horribly maligned in our country, yet isn't it ironic that irresponsible adolescent sexual behavior is tolerated. I applaud the choices you have made in your young life, and it's my prayer your example will be taken to heart by other young women such as yourself. I congratulate you on your pregnancy, and I am happy to hear you will give birth to your child within a loving marriage. I also congratulate your husband for taking on the responsibilities of manhood, for being a good and loving husband, and for being a provider for his young family. My God continue to bless your household, and may your love and marriage last for a lifetime.
Reply:You are responsible, you got married and pregnant for the right reasons. Most teens don't and usually that's what people hear the most, and thus begin to bash pregnant teens. Good job taking responsbility for your own life, too, way to go!
Reply:I am 17 and a mum to 2!
I live with my parents and i am still with the father of the children!
He is still in school (sixth form)
And will leave in july.
Then he will get a job and then once we have enough money we will buy a place together.
I respect you totally and hate people that bash teenagers!
I am not irresponsible and wouldnt put anything before my children!
SO i cant understand why people bash us.
Reply:lol, screw what people say i got pregnant at 17 and have my son and i had medicaid, and wic, and i still do bow i am expecting another, and i still have medicaid, i live with my husband and he makes great money, if it's free it's free, what more do you want. As long as your baby is born then thats all that matters.
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