my school( high school) has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the state. right now we have 38 REPORTED pregnant teens, which 14 have ALREADY given birth. 8 freshman, 7 sophmore, 6 juniors, and 13 seniors. its a damn shame. . . we have a daycare thats full and that has a HUGE waiting list for expecting mothers. every time i walk down the hallway i hear " aw, look at ur baby, i wish i had a kid". they think its cute!. i went up there to ask questions about it and the lady looked at me like i was a whore, just because i wanted to give out daycare cards from my mom.she thought i was expecting! some of my friends wanted to interview me for the school newspaper for their pregnancy peice. i was pregnant before, yes, but i dont want to anounce it to the whole school ( raped). why is sex so freakin important to them??? our school doesnt even talk about sex etc. . . we have questions that they cant answer because of the school board. soo much more to tell, just glad to get it out!
TEEN PREGNANCY. . .do teens even listen? is it even worth talking to them about? listen to this. . .?
Teens are gonna do what they want to do whether they have the guidance or not. They feel as though they know it all and in the event they don't they will have their parents to back them up. I think it's a shame that these young women are subjecting themselves to adulthood so early on in life. There are many other things that can be done other than having sex. And Y is it that their are some things the school board can't talk about, but its ok to have all of these pregnant teens running around the school. Unless this school is specifically for pregnant teens, there should be no glorification. Having a child is supposed to be something done between two capable and responsible adults who are willing and able to take care of them. Teens are relying on their parents to help them take care of these children. Some parents have to wind up adopting their own grandkids because the actual parents can't or don't want to do it. I am glad there are still some young ladies out there that recognize it is not a game out here!!!
Reply:"its a great skewl"
Reply:that's why they are with child.. your school don't talk about it much. i was in the 3rd grade when i found out about sex. they taught us about condoms and the diseases that are out there. having a kid is no joke. i don't have any and I'm 25. it's not cool being a teen mom, it's a 24 hour job non-stop. my sister will be having two kids, well she has a girl now and she pregnant with her second and she's only 19. 1st one when she was 18 got married when she was 17, but she married that's the key, she has help. but it don't make matters good because she's still to young. you watch the news and listen to how the parents are killing their babies or doing bad thing s to them. if you don't want the kid take it to the adoption center or give it to SOME ONE THAT WILL CARE FOR IT!!! yeah kids are cute when they are small but they do grow up and they won't have the education to give them. so that why we have so many young *** grandmothers in the world. it starts at home and if the parents don't think nothing of it then why should you. you just do your part take care of yours and let them fall where it hurts. one day they are going to be saying i wish i would have waited.... mark my word.... i could say more but i don't have time.
Reply:well cause guys are obsessed with sex ill tell u straight up thats y i kno cuz ima guy
Reply:15 n u got preg? how sad.
Actually what's really sad is they all ask in this section.
don't worry about them, why should it bother you?? besides, why don't people try to get abortions??
Reply:The whole idea is funny to me. Here are schools preaching about sex and local clinics passing condoms...ironic if you ask me. What needs to be taught is values and morals...obviously not the main focus.
Reply:well do i feel sorry for you......
i think its worth telling teens about teenage pregnancy and besides i think some teens will listen and some will not you never know
by the way im 16 and and i listened in health class and i dont think i will become pregnant at any time in my life
Reply:I listiened in Sex Ed. I aced that class!
Reply:some teens think the way to have love is to have sex and thats wrong.. my sis had a baby at 13. and it was hard. kids having sex is wrong. kids now a days change mates more then anything else. i have a 16yr old 14yr old and have told them all about sex. got one on the pill. and i make them both carry condoms. it will happen sooner or later but unless they are ready to grow up real fast they need to not have sex. they tell me all about their friends doing it. and i tell them when they all have the same std they will wish they didnt have sex. my child scool last year had 200 cases of the same std. thankfully my kids werent one of those cases. im srry to hear how u was treated and i understand how u know all the sex is wrong. shame more dont see it wrong. good luck
Reply:It is sad and it is a shame. Sounds like your school needs to launch a serious sex education program. But that is the reality nowadays and it goes back to the household and the parents. Perhaps you live in a community with horrible parental supervision. I am really sorry to hear about what happened to you :( Just keep your mind right and know what you want in life. There's plenty of times for kids. I think you got the right idea and you'll be ok.
Reply:tell a teen not to do it they will
maybe your school should have a life skills class
get those electronic chipped babys that cry ALL THE TIME
and this class would also teach how to put on a condom and about different forms of birth control other than just abstinece which is just retarted as teens do stuff because they are told not to
Reply:A subject I can go on and on about. Some teens just put themselves into the wrong situation. You did the same when you were raped.
Please read grayhare's answer again. I agree on everything she said.
Reply:Sometimes this situation depends on whether or not the teen has both parents in their life. A lot of teen girls get pregnant as a byproduct of not having their fathers around to protect them and to teach them about men. You can NEVER replace the importance of the father in a child's life. One other thing, your kids will follow the example you set for them. They will do what you do and not what you tell them, so the example you set for them is crucial.
Reply:to be really honest with you, it is not worth it talking to them, i know for a fact because i was also once a teenager. if u tell them to do something, they dont and if you tell them not to do something, they do it, and thats how their minds work, they do the opposites. so my suggestion to you is that, let them see what you are doing and whatever you do, they will also do it, irrespective of it being right or wrong, but it just depends on us the elders if we do the right things.
Reply:You're right, it is messed up.
Perhaps the students who think it's cute would benefit from listening to the new mothers, tell them how difficult it is to raise a child.
I'm 23 years old, and I still have no plans on having a baby. Not until my girlfriend and I are married, and when we have a place big enough for two adults and a child.
Reply:That is sad. I'm 16 and would never even consider having a baby yet. I'm waiting until I'm married to have sex. One time I was daydreaming and thought, what would happen if I was pregnant and I almost freaked out. I would have to drop the nursing class I'm in, I'd barely ever see my friends, I would have to get a job, and it would be extremly hard for me to finish school and go to college. And I want to travel, which I'd never be able to do with a kid. Yes, I love kids and want a family one day, but I agree with you, I don't know why teens want kids.
It's funny beacuse I look at all the stupid things most teens do and just say "I hate [most] teenagers" My mom always makes fun of me because I am one.
Reply:just out of curiosity, about how many students are in each grade? And what city/state is your school in?
I'm also curious how old you really are... because this is a question you asked 3 weeks ago : "Miscarriage???? TWINS????when twins are born can they weigh different? and can one b a miscarriage and the other live? as you can c i dont kno alot about pregnancys but im only 11 so i dont give a hoot, and i dont want any smart allic answers."
And heres another one you asked a month ago: "Should i marry him? im 18 and my bf wants to marry me, but i have leukemia and he knows it. . .i love him alot and i've learned so much from him. but i think marrying him would b the wrong thing to do b/ of my illness. should i ?"
Are you like a pathological liar or what? crazy
Reply:Teens listen!!!keep preaching to them!! and i am ssssooo sorry to hear about ur situation! i wish you the best of luck
Reply:Teens are gonna do what they want to do whether they have the guidance or not. They feel as though they know it all and in the event they don't they will have their parents to back them up. I think it's a shame that these young women are subjecting themselves to adulthood so early on in life.
Reply:What became of your pregnancy?
Although it's not good for teens to aspire to become pregnant, or to be irresponsible enough to accidentally become pregnant because of unprotected sex, I have to say I'm glad these girls are staying in school so that they'll be able to provide for their babies when they've graduated...and I'm glad they chose to allow their babies to live. However, I'm sad that the mother's youth had to end so soon. And what about the daddies? They created a life, too, but no one's even looking at them and how they're living their lives. It's all fallen on the girl, even in your question.
Teenage pregnancy happens...and it shouldn't happen as often as it does...but I'm always happy to hear when a mommy is making the best of the situation and getting an education and taking respoinsibility for the child.
Since your school doesn't teach sex ed and it has such a high rate of teen pregnancy, I'd definitely say this is a strong argument FOR proper sex ed in middle and high school...and not just "don't have sex ever or you'll die" abstinence-only classes, either, because these girls would probably have sex anyway...they just need to know how to protect themselves.
Reply:what a liar r u..
how old are you?
Miscarriage???? TWINS????
when twins are born can they weigh different? and can one b a miscarriage and the other live? as you can c i dont kno alot about pregnancys but im only 11 so i dont give a hoot, and i dont want any smart allic answers.
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3 weeks ago
uh...huh? just b/ its the same name/email doesnt mean that its the same person asking the question. my ma wont let me get an email account so im using my sisters and my sister isnt 18 shes 16.
3 weeks ago - 13 answers - Report Abuse
ADVICe. . .???
i am a quit reserved boy.the one girl that i can communicate with has blown me off and now theres no one i can turn one who cares.plse can you help, its so lonley being me.
Should i marry him?
im 18 and my bf wants to marry me, but i have leukemia and he knows it. . .i love him alot and i've learned so much from him. but i think marrying him would b the wrong thing to do b/ of my illness. should i ?
1 month ago - 28 answers - Report Abuse
Reply:tell them if they get pregnant they will get expelled!
Reply:Maybe if the school didn't provide a day care center for those mothers and the girls had to pay for their child care like everyone else...they would think twice about having unprotected sex??
*sigh* I don't even know where to begin. This whole subject is so discouraging...especially to a mother of young children. I just can't imagine the challenges that lay ahead of us as far as teaching our children morals in a world that's going to h*ll!
Reply:There's a school in Ohio Carrolton I think the city is that has a huge number of teenagers who are in 6th and 7th grade who either have kids already or are pregnant. Yeah it's a dang shame that teenagers think it's fine to get pregnant at a young age. There's no point having sex ed if they're just going to ignore the facts and go out and mess around behind their parents' backs.
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