Monday, April 12, 2010

Teens, Sex and Parents, Why is it Taboo?

Besides the 'Birds and the Bees' discussion, I've noticed that a lot of teens have a tendency not to discuss sex with their parents in any form. Why not? It's clearly all over the media and internet, so society has no longer made it a serious 'TABOO' issue to talk about. And I'm not referring to the anatomy that so many teens learn about in school and health classes, I mean the stuff that the state cannot educate children on; like an orgasm, an arousal, what exactly sexual tension is, masturbation, the assorted forms it comes in, and some of the symptoms of STDs that educators may not go into fuller detail with. People say that education is the best weapon agains violence, death and disease, but why not sex?

Teens, Sex and Parents, Why is it Taboo?
to the person three above me, sex is not immoral. doing it with random people is immoral, but not with someone you love. Sex is still a taboo topic with children and parents because it is just something uncomfortable to talk about. I know I don't feel comfortable talking about it with my parents.
Reply:I agree parents need to open up and be honest with there children. I am a parent of 2 boys and I am very open and honest with them when talking about sex,disease and their bodies. My oldest 17 says I remind him of the mother in the movie Meet the Folkers.

I have sat down and had many talks with him,his girlfriend and friends too. One boy said his talk with his parents was very short. His mom told him to stop and think what would Jesus do. I asked him in the heat of the moment would you stop and think that. He laughed and said that would be the furthest thing on his mind. I agreed and I would rather them not have sex until marriage. This maybe unrealistic. I would hope they truly love the other person but this is not always the case either. I bought them condoms just in case they did not take the time to think before acting. Showed them how to use them the right way. But I strongly feel this is not a license to have sex but balloons to fill and throw at each other.

Its hard for all involved but I would rather it come from me then from a friend that hasn't been there. I approach it with comedy and ease into the seriousness of what is out there and what could happen if they are not protected with knowledge.
Reply:Because it's immoral. Because sex results in preganancy, which results in parenthood, which comes with responsibilities, which teens are not ready for. Even the decsion as to abortion or not, is a big responsibitliy. masrraige has to come first, and teens aren't ready for any marriage or responsibilities.
Reply:Too late for me to talk to them, I know more and have done more than my folks.
Reply:That's a really good question. They SHOULD teach that stuff and they would see a lot less problems with young teen pregnancy, disease ect. It doesn't need to be taught in a bad way and none of it is bad, but young people should know what's involved, just look at some of the -- what I find disturbing-- questions asked on here by young people. They can't ask anybody so they're coming on here to ask! It's ridiculous!

But it only takes one person to make a stink. Some parents think it's dirty and nasty to discuss those things, but if they didn't do them they wouldn't have kids in the first place, unless they adopted or did artificial insemination. Which I think is a very low percentage of the population, compared to actually having intercourse

Young people need to learn about sex somehow and I think better in the classroom and from parents than in the bedroom. But everyone is likely going to have sex eventually and it's good to know all the stuff you mentioned, whether it's taught by parents or not and that leaves those young people up to their school to teach them those things that are very important to know.
Reply:because most people view sex as perverted act, yet the same people will chomp down their food in front of you like tasmanian devils and not apologize for it. That's why our society is so screw up when it comes to sex. Just look at the amount of sex questions being ask here alone day in day out.
Reply:i dont know. my kids have always been able to come to me and ask questions and they did regularly. i was pleased because at least i knew they were getting the right info and knew wot they needed to know. we still talk about this kind of stuff now. im only to happy to answer their questions. i guess some parents get embarrassed, i dont know why. we are all human and sex is a part of life.
Reply:My best guess would be that many parents are afraid to even bring up the subject of sex to their teenagers. I have no children, but my personal belief is that bringing up these things to teenagers(children) might make them wonder if they should possibly have sex or experiment. Dependant upon the age, children(teenagers) should be worrying about school and bettering themselves, not orgasms and arousal. Yes, it's important to educate teenagers on the dangers of sex, STDs, etc. but I don't think it would be a great idea to begin telling them all of these expicit things about the actual act. I think that's opening a whole can of worms.
Reply:Because it's Kinda' embarrassing... I know that we should learn, but what are friends for?!? I am close to my parents in all, but I just don't feel comfortable talking about "it."
Reply:i cant talk about sex with my mom at all i dont even say wen i kiss someone
Reply:fear and embarrassment have been handed down through the ages....but there is hope! I was lucky enough to have a stepmom that spoke openly about sex........I've tried to do that with my kids......what is strange though is that my 2 boys are much more comfortable talking to me than my daughter....and they are all over 18!...but little by little, things will change...
Reply:coz erm..i am embarrassed to let my parents noe abt the sex stuff...Eww...imagine discussing how to have sex...wit ur own parents...or telling them tat u just seems very weird..tat all..
Reply:I don't understand it myself. I am a parent and was more than willing to talk to my children about anything that they wanted to talk about they would ask the questions and I would try and explane it the best I could without embaressing them. Now when I was a youth I had no desier to talk to my parents about sex but they never was very open about it either. I don't know about most of the parents out there but I do agree they should start talking to there children more about it and try to do there best to educate them on way more than the Birds and the Bee's also I don't think it opens up another can of worms. If you raise your youth to no right from wrong and teach them there is a right time for everything. There is a time you just have to trust them to do what you've tought them. Regardless they should know why there bodys are doing the things they are doing and you should be there to help them through all the peer presure and ignorace that is out there!
Reply:sex has always been a big deal and people over react to it--and everything is so double standard its not funny--the announced on tv one day this guy age 37 was caught having sex and molesting a 14 yr old boy--- and yet we say 14 yr olds are old enough to know better than to kill someone-so why is it that the 14 yr ols isnt old enough to know that he was sex with a guy no matter how old he is..

also on the radio--and on tv-woman--age 33 said to be have sexual relations with a 13 yr old boy--hmmm--lets see if its a guy having sex with a 14 yr old he is molesting him but let it be a female and she is having sex---wonder what the double standard is on that one

yrs ago had this story about a 12 yr old boy got his babysitter--age 17 at the time pregnant--does the law arrest her--tell her she did a big no-no--no way--they wait until months after the baby is born and then sue the boy to pay child support payments--what the phuck---

when i was young i did the usual boys will be boys stuff--nothing wrong in that--but when it comes to raping beating and forcing them into sex is wrong--but curiousity is always there no matter what..

i am not saying that you should get a ruler out and keep measurements of a boys penis as he matures-- but let him mature and learn things in life--thats what we are here is one big lesson--you think after 18 yrs of age or after 30 yrs of age there is nothing else to learn but there is---and to learn it through life instead of at one time..this is a good thing to happen....
Reply:Because, mentally for them its gross, discussing, or talking sex with your parents. Or hearing them talk about it, is too. I'm 43, and I still do not like discussing my sex life, or hearing about my moms! Not that I've had any lately, but you know in the past. But, I definately get really grossed-out when she explains to me about her sex-life, with my step-dad. she doesn't get graphic, but it still like NONE OF MY BUSINESS!! And, I want to tell her so bad, I hate it when she talks about these things w/ me! Oh well "MOMS" ???!!!!

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