Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Does today's society teach teens accountability for their own actions?

My opinion is that more so now than let's say twenty, thirty years ago, society teaches teenagers that if they make a mistake to just blame it on their parents. When my teens make mistakes I am not quick to bail them out. I figure they will learn more by suffering the consequences of their actions. Yet over and over I hear teenagers blaming their parents for some trouble they got into, when their parents had nothing to do with it. It's just a convenitent excuse. The reason I feel society has a role in this attitude is that when teenagers comit a crime, who pays for it? Sure the teen may be punished, but the parent is also punished by having to pay fines. I am not saying that the parent is not responsible for guidance and discipline. But teens will not learn from thier mistakes unless they take ownership of their mistakes. I don't think punishing the parents reinforces this fact, but instead allows teens to put the blame on someone else. Just curious as to what others think.

Does today's society teach teens accountability for their own actions?
Can't say its society's fault entirely. True you can lay some of the blame on these Dr. Spock psychbabble weiners but a good portion of the blame lies with the parents. These parents grew up with traditional methods of discipline and feel that it was abuse so they search for new methods which include blaming everything but the kid for the things they do. Junior acts out because of his enviroment, method of education, parents being failures and on and on. No, Junior acts out because he is a kid testing his limits and if you don't reign him in he will keep expanding his "envelop" until he does something he can't fix with a "I'm sorry". Parents need to quit mollycoddling their kids and take responsibility for how they are being raised. When Junior talks back to you, don't say "Oh he's just stressed out because we won't let him go out and smoke, drink, vandalize, do drugs, rape, pillage...." No he talks back because you let him get away with being bad or he's testing his limits. Nip it in the bud. Only the parents can teach their kids about consequences for their actions. Society has it's issues, but blaming society for unmannered children is no excuse.
Reply:It technically is the teen's fault.

But seeing as the parent is responsible for them until they are 18, it's them who have to pay. All it is teaching kids is that it's okay to let someone who has already gone above and beyond to care for you pay the price.

I hate this truth. That's just not right. This is why trouble-making teens are simply selfish. They think they can do whatever, whenever, because they don't have to pay.

Some people may blame parents for raising their child that way, but sometimes you just can't control someone no matter how hard you try.
Reply:What do you expect? Parents treat their teens like babies and turn a blind eye when they act like morons, then everyone bitches that they can't be responsible adults when they turn 18.
Reply:I am only 15 and I look around and see the same thing that you see. Kids and me these days are being babied and they (not me) are not getting a lesson in life. Everything is handed on a plate to us and yet a kid that gets in fights all the time is treated the same or better than a good kid. The parents, from my own experience, let the kids slide with a lot of things and after a while, don't know how to handle or control their kids. So no, kids are not found responsible for their actions. It does get blamed on the parent. (Sorry if I just rambled on, but I hope that I helped in some small way) :)
Reply:I agree, to some degree.

I mean, yeah, your parents shouldn't have to take the wrap for what you do. But I remember several times when the school would take overnight field trips, and I'd never go for many reasons, but my parents pretty much always told me that I should blame it on them (as they were the ultimate deciders) as I was frequently asked why I was staying behind.

Otherwise, teach your children well and let them try on their own. But help if they need it.
Reply:It certainly is the parent's responsiblity to teach children, not society's. The problem is that the parents basically have to battle society and it's opinions and accepted practices to even try to teach their kids responsibility, maturity, morals, values, etc., and often it's a losing battle. Very unfortunate. You have so many parents who do not take that responsibility, that they make these laws where the parents have to be responsible when the child screws up. Unfortunately, for parents (like us!!) who do try our best to teach our children, but society influences them not to listen, we end up screwed in the process. But whoever said life was fair...

i could care less


bah ram the sheep

he's coming!!
Reply:No today's society does not teach teens to be accountable for their own actions.

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