Friday, April 16, 2010

Are teens still doing LSD?

We did LSD in the mid 1990's when we were teens and it was pretty underground, are the teens still doing it today?

Are teens still doing LSD?
There are some, but from what I understand, its hard to come by.
Reply:Yes, they are.
Reply:if they truly are they will be way too paranoid to answer this question honestly.

About Teens And Pregnancy? Am I one Of those you Consider Irresponsible?

I was 15 when married, and had my son at 15.... I turned 16 2 months after, WE DID NOT get married for our son, we were already engaged, we did decided though to marry sooner than planned. I am now 20yrs old, still married to him and we are expecting our 2nd child. I am not a normal teen pregnancy, but why do all the teens get lumped into one thing? I mean I have had hate mail just because I was a young mother.... Why? Am I really one of those cases that you people consider irresponsible?

About Teens And Pregnancy? Am I one Of those you Consider Irresponsible?
I think it is safe to say that the majority of teens are having unprotected sex. Myself though i do feel it is wrong, i would rather there be a little less hatered toward teens who do end up pregnant, because that causes them to feel like there is no one there who understands and is there to help, then they feel that they need to get abortions, and not try to be responsible for their actions.

People need to realize that once you have reached the time in your life that you can get pregnant you are just as irresponsible as the 20 year old who has unprotected sex and end up pregnant.

I do think you did it the right way. And if people start telling you, you are too young to be married tell them to screw off becuase age is just a number, it has to do with how you feel and your maturity level.
Reply:I am also one of those so called teens but i think me and my bf are doing well hes got a great job and we are very responsible. I dont really care what other ppl think Report It

Reply:I dont think that you are irresponsible at all. You took care of your baby, and things happen but that doesnt make you irresponsible. A lot of my friends have had and are going through the same thing you went through.But I think its wrong to be getting hate mail because you were a young mother...People are just jerks sometimes.
Reply:I don't think you are irresponsible at all, I am glad to see you were married before having the baby. I am just curious as to why you would want to be married and have a baby at 15. I guess I was raised differently and at 15 all I cared about was getting my drivers license and hanging out with friends. I absolutley loved my 20's and I am turning 25 this year and getting married and we are talking about having a baby. I don't know I guess everyone is different, but if you can't even spell pregnant, then you should not be having babies.
Reply:i dont thnk that teen moms should get "bashed" or "hated" on.....they are only human and make mitakes.
Reply:People often forget that teenagers have feelings to, and that they where once a teenager themselves. Having a child does not make you irrisponsible, it doesnt make any teen irrisponsible. Alot of them just make mistakes, which is normal even adults make mistakes. I had a oops with my boyfriend when i was 16, unfortunatly i miscarried but i most certainly didnt consider myself a irrisponsible teen, i didnt do drugs or drink and the only guy i had sex with was my boyfriend who i dated for 4 years, my mom was however one of those moms who you couldnt talk to about birthcontrol and i got one of those wonderful condoms that broke lol. In your case you seem very happy and content in your sittuation and its a shame that all the other pregnant teens cant have a sittuation like yours, i feel so bad for many of them that dont have the support of their family and friends. My sister had my little nephew when she was 16, he is almost 4 now and she is a great mom and had the support of her family. Congats on your pregnancy!
Reply:I wouldn't say that you were irresponsible, but you guys both still have the kid-meaning you didn't adopt it out or have an abortion. I give you props for being married at 15 and still married at 20.

good luck on your 2nd child!!!

P.S. most teenagers that are that young that get pregnant are irresponsible and are not thinking of the consequences
Reply:your not irresponsible you did the right things except for using a condom
Reply:Well, I wouldn't send hate mail to any teen mother no matter what her circumstances, but that doesn't really answer your question.

I think 15 is too young to get married. I don't care how mature you were, or how in love you were, or whatever, I just think it's too young, and I'm pretty sure there is absolutely nothing anyone could say that would change my mind. Having lived more than twice that long, I know how much I and EVERYONE ELSE I KNOW changed between then and now. It's far too soon to be making decisions that will impact the entire rest of your life.

Since I don't think a person at 15 is equipped to make decisions like marriage, I also don't think they are equipped to be parents. Can a teen mother be a good mother? Yes. Would she be a better mother later in life? Yes. Life experience and the difference in education, finances, etc. that usually comes with it just add up to better parenting skills. I think it is selfish to bring a child into the world if you aren't truly ready to be a parent, and just like I can't be convinced that a 15-year-old should be getting married, I can't be convinced that a 15-year-old is truly ready to be a parent. At 15, you are still a child with a lot of growing up to do. I'm sure you love your child and are as good a parent as you can be. You're probably a better parent than some older people. But that doesn't change my belief that you'd have been a better parent if you'd waited longer.

Maybe I'm a snob, maybe I'm wrong, but I just feel on an instinctive level (and I believe I'm backed up by most research) that teen parents in general are not as effective at parenting as older parents, married or not.

I would not consider you irresponsible. I would consider your parents irresponsible for allowing you to get married at 15.
Reply:NO - you sound responsilbe to me. Yes, you got engaged, pregnant and married at a very young age. But back when our grandparents were kids, they were getting married and having babies at 13. You are still with the same guy, don't worry about what other people say. Just be a good mom and enjoy your life.
Reply:I applaud you - that is remarkable and you both must be remarkable people!

I have known teenage mothers, some were irresponsible, some were not. My own grandmother was 17 when she married and had her first of 6! She never finished HS, but is one of the most brilliant women I could ever be blessed to know (and I'm not just saying it because she's my grammy).

When someone becomes pregnant in their teens and steps up and takes responsibility and is a good parent - who am I to say it's wrong? Things happen. I wish all children were brought into this world by loving, stable, married couples but this is not the world we live in.

My mom was 21 when she had me and she was not married. Some of the mistakes she made (later married an abusive husband who made my life a living hell for 15 yrs) would never be made by MOST teenagers, I think.

In my opinion, age does not make someone a good or bad parent - it's all about the love in your heart and your determination to give your children the best upbringing possible.
Reply:No it is case by case. I am sure some were bothered you got married at such a young age as your are still, or at least at 15, a child in many people's eyes. You aren't the norm but often the parent is going to come out when someone see a child they believe making a mistake. Good luck and God bless.
Reply:to get preganant so young does seem irresponsible but the entire word of irresponsibility washes away when you have continued on with life and made more responsible choices. Never doubt yourself you are the one which lives you life and the choices you make. I give you a pat on the back or sticking to your guns. Best wishes fo ryou and your huisband. and of course your children. Keep up the good work
Reply:Wow, married at 15! Where do you live? Anyway, I say as long as you are able to provide for your child and not live off the government then people should leave you alone.
Reply:No, I don't think people consider you to be irresponsible. But I do think that people tend to lump all the teens into one category because you're all so young! Of course everyone is different. Some teens are much more mature and responsible than others. Some teens are naive, completely dependent on others, uneducated and are very immature! So, it's wrong for people to just automatically assume that you're irresponsible just because you're young and have a child. I can, however, see how people might lump you into the same category with all the other irresponsible teens. You had children before you gave yourself the chance to experience life!

At 15 you're just starting your education! I think it's important that everyone goes as far as they can in school just to better themselves and receive an education before getting married or having kids. It's only fair to the children they'll have that they're capable of teaching their babies something! Not to mention being able to take care of themselves! I'm not saying that if you don't finish school you're stupid... I just think that you're missing out on a lot when you have to quit early. Even at 18 I think it's too young to decide to have children. Regardless of whether or not the pregnancy is accidental, it seems irresponsible because the young parents haven't given themselves the opportunity to grow up before becoming instant adults. How could you possibly teach and take care of a child, when you yourself are a child? Know what I mean?

Anyway, I think it's sad that people will automatically assume that your pregnancy was accidental and your marriage was forced. Congrats to you for sticking it out with all the odds against you! You're obviously doing SOMETHING right since you're still with your husband and expecting baby #2. Right? So, I wouldn't let other people bother you. When you have a hard time dealing with criticism from other people, just try to imagine how they see it through THEIR eyes. All they know about you is that you were 15 when you had your first baby and got married. That's easy to criticize when you don't have the whole story or know the person intimately. Know what I mean?

Just keep your head high... ignore the hate mail... and know that there ARE some people out there who don't judge before they have all the facts. Take care, keep smiling and CONGRATS on baby #2!
Reply:I would not classify you as one of those "irresponsbile teens". Its not the age that matters its the maturity of the person that matters. There are some GREAT teen/young parents out there and at the same time there are some horriable 20,30,40 year old parents out there. You and your husband took responsbilty for your actions which is very commendable especially at such a young age. Its good to see that yall are still together and happy that is why sterotypes are useless %26amp; stupid.

Good luck %26amp; congrats on the upcoming baby!
Reply:Yes and No, i think you probably should have waited to have kids and used precautions, but sometimes things just get crazy and stuff happens. It is a little irresponsible. BUT you getting pregnant should never give anyone the right to judge you, if anything they should have stood by you, not supporting what you did, but to help you in a time of need. People are Mean. I know how that is :(
Reply:If you married him before you had the child, love him, and are not promiscuous, then I don't think that you are irresponsible. Anyway, it only matters if YOU think that you're irresponsible. Good luck on your next child!
Reply:yes and no at that age i doubt u both had full time jobs and were financial stable in ur own home to have the baby then again 5 yrs later urstill married and are having a second baby so now u would be out of the category so it just depends good luck..
Reply:No I wouldnt consider you the normal "teen stat"
Reply:hey as long as you have a stable environment to support that child then i say go for it!

i dont think all teen moms fall into the same category.
Reply:No I would not consider you irresponsible. It's awesome you and your hubby are still married and expecting another baby!!!!

I am also tired of people lumping teen moms into the "ya'll shoulda just kept your legs closed" category.

Lol. I was 18 when I concieved, already been married for a few months when we found out. I was on birth control. It was unexpected, but we were both very excited once we knew for sure. We are in a place where financially anyways, we're more than ready for the baby.
Reply:there are alot of people out there that think kids should not be having kids. yes 15 is young to be married and have a child.i have my first when i was 18 had my 2nd when i was 21 and got married when i was 23 and there are some people that say i was to young too.
Reply:I don't think anyone on the internet can tell you that. If you are providing for that child, and paying your bills on your own, and not using gov. assistance, more power to you. If you are however, yes you are one of those irresponsible teens.
Reply:I dont think its irresponsible to have ababy when your a teenager or get married when your a teenager.....I think it just make life harder, but as long as you are commited to your baby and your spouse than you will find a way.

I was engaged at 18 got married 2 weeks after I turned 19 I'm now pregnant and will have my baby a few months after I turn 20.

I'm sorry you got hate mail that really sux.

I think teenagers (or people period) who are irresponsible are the ones who dont use birth control... get pregnant multiple times.......and then have an abortion.

If you think your old enough to have sex and make adult decision then you need to be responsible enough to take care of whatever those decisions created!
Reply:Girl i got married in january of this year,and im 18 expecting a child in september we also didn't know we was pregnant during our wedding everyone assumes thats why we got married though(WHATEVER)Thats just how the world is these days ignore them,and enjoy your life...:)

WWII teens?

How did American teens during WWII act and think differently about the war than teens today? You're opinion or websites.

Anything would be helpful I'm just trying to get started on a project. (Please give sites if possible)

WWII teens?

Teens were involved in every aspect of that which took place on the Home Front, and many volunteered to fight - some as young as 14.

They participated in scrap metal and rubber drives. They volunteered in hospitals and Veteran's organizations.

My mother built P-51 Mustangs. (and went to high school then college.)
Reply:My parents were teens during WWII. My father enlisted when he turned 18. WWII teens made sacrifices. Most were used to sacrificing from the 1930s (Depression). Many had family members serving in the various branches of the military. Some, like my dad, joined up or were drafted.

Teens today do not seem to understand sacrifice. They aren't willing to wait for their "rewards"- like iPods, clothes, XBox, etc. Many want designer clothes, shoes, phones, etc. I don't see the patriotic spirit in the teens I work with. Many are self-centered and want immediate gratification.

Perhaps their parents have not taught them the meaning of sacrifice and waiting for rewards- or earning them for that matter.

There are many teens who do have this "spirit." They, are, most likely the leaders in their schools and churches. They understand volunteerism and sacrifice.
Reply:Over all there support was outstanding ,with Many trying to enlist before they where old enough to..I hope this link will be of use to you.You will find that most could not Waite to join up ,As my Father And his Brother did.Along with most of the Men that they went to School with.I have seen this mostly the same since 9/11 as I watched Boys join up wile still in High School as my Son did ,He is still serving in Ramadi.So in away it not the same response now as then .But in the first couple of years is was very close to it.And remember we have no draft today so all these Men and Women join because they believe in what they are doing.So in that respect there is not a lot of difference in the vast majority of teens.God bless them all,And keep them safe.
Reply:WWII teens were more concerned about people and more active in support of the war. They collected materials needed and sacrificed things they liked to help our troops. Many of todays teens pay no attention to the war whatsoever (MOST, not all) and could care less about others.
Reply:People in the 1940s pulled together to help the war effort, versus today where we don't focus as much on the goal of the war. Perhaps if we did pull together more, we could get the job done faster. Regardless, teens voluntarily signed up and wanted to serve the nation at a higher rate than those today. Fewer teens and more that signed up then compared to more teens and fewer signing up today. To them, it was a great honor to serve their nation and fight and die for the country they love

Young teens and sex?

what is up with young teens having sex. dont they realize it just makes them young sluts. Teens having babies. omg i wish i was all of there mothers so i could beat there azzes like they need to be. so sad i say what would you do would you do the same?

Young teens and sex?
I know!
Reply:Wow, I am glad to see people actually believe in today's artificial moralities "rolls eyes". We are human and it is in our nature, we used to marry at real young ages but now teens are left to just sex since society frowns down upon young marriages. Your beliefs are a product of your society.
Reply:i agree...


Homeschooled TEENS!?!?!?!?!?!?

just wondern if any teens on here are homeschooled and how do you like it, and are you in a homeschool group?

i like bN homeschooled i'm 15 and i'm in a homeschool group called "key"

how about U?

it's nice to hear from another teen that's in homeschool!

Homeschooled TEENS!?!?!?!?!?!?
nope i go to ps sry! sometimes i wish i was hs though lol...maybe i wouldnt have to wake up soo early!
Reply:I love it! As for groups...Not in any.
Reply:I wish i was.. lol :)

I think homeschooling is good to an extent. Not saying I've gotten homeschooled, but I think it depends on the program.
Reply:I think homeschooling is part of the Religious Right conspiracy
Reply:i'm not but this one girl who really could tell she never got out much..
Reply:uh, well i was home schooled, and my mom taught me. i was home schooled pre k through 6th grade. i just got really bored but i loved waking at like 10am and working until 1pm everyday but it just got soooo boring. Now, i miss not waking up at 10 and no homework, so i wish i was again! btw i am in 10th grade
Reply:your lucky i wish i was!!!!! my friend was homeschooled and she said she liked it but she wasnt in any group her mom just taught her
Reply:nope i go to school (and i hate it)

i have 3 years and 5 more months left to go.
Reply:no i was never, but one of my friends his senior year too...sucked for him...his parents took him out becasue he got drugs from the kids in school :-/ ...but he said he hated it! he said it was boring and he wished he could have gone back to school

If six white teens beat a black teen down, I wonder if society would seek the max punishment for hate crimes?

Yeah, I am talking about Jana six. And don't start in about the noose crap either, because the fights and disagreements concerning that was dealt with weeks before the the attack happened. the white teen ran his mouth, so six black teens beat him down. That simple, but it is also a hate crime and should be treated as such. That is unless you believe that hate crime laws only apply whenever a MINORITY is the victim of a racial fueled assault.

If six white teens beat a black teen down, I wonder if society would seek the max punishment for hate crimes?
If six white guys beat up a black person, you can SURE the white guys would all be given the maximum punishment. But if it's 6 Blacks beating up a white person, then of course, it's ok, because, remember, the poor things were once slaves 2 hundred years ago and so we have to suck it up and feel sorry for them! God, how I hate the fact that white people are now the minority! Blacks are always using the race card for everything! Look at OJ! I don't care if the white guys was running his mouth! So what, it's freedom of speech! Yeah, and why was it necessary to have six black guys beat up only one white guy? Probably because they knew the white guy would be their ***, if they challenged him one by one! As with all gangs, they're chicken to take on a man, one on one, so they have to all gang up on one person - real tough right? NOT! And to the girl called, "figure it" ... what do you mean it wasn't a hate crime!!! 6 black guys beating a white guys isn't "hating?" You must have a different definition of the word "Hate!" Quit being so ignorant! And to d odem.. that comparison of the mexican and white man.... The white guys' story was an accident, the mexican left kids to die, because he went out to score drugs! Get real!
Reply:Well been hateful to ones race is very sensitive to some if someone did that to me, I would probably have killed somebody. Look if you dont want to get beat dont do or say dumb things, sometimes people get what they deserve.

Couple of months ago on news= IT was a sunny day over 100 degrees.

Mexican guy left daughter in car, little girl died of heat

White guy did the same to his little boy.

Guess what Mexican guy got life in prison, white guy got off free, so to all the whites in here acting sarcastic it goes both ways, k.
Reply:if six white teens beat down a black teen, yes they should have something coming to them, and i am white.
Reply:..I've yet to find proof that this was a hate crime..they beat him up because he was acting in pure stupidity and spread trash about one of them..fights happen like that ALL the would have been a hate crime if they beat him up because of unsolved anger from all the racial tension built up from previous happenings..just in my opinion..

hate crime..

a crime, usually violent, motivated by prejudice or intolerance toward a member of a gender, racial, religious, or social group.


lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.
Reply:It should be prosecuted as a hate crime, yes...I just don't see any justification for a six-on-one beatdown.

The inaction by public officials should also be investigated...i.e., not doing enough about nooses/other racial provocation.

Clothing question about teen girls for PARENTS! and TEENS!?

Haha a teen is actually asking an adult for advice hee. SO here it goes.

I have: about twenty (fashionable) tops and four pairs of jeans one pair of bermuda shorts and two pairs of shorts and two pairs of capris and about fifteen DORKY SOUVINEER TSHIRTS YESSS!

So, do I have enough clothes to last me my freshman year in high school without being a total social outcast? I would like parents point of view and teens point of view...

Just out of curiosity :) I'm not going to survive high school anyway... because I'm not "layable" and my goal is to become a slingshot sharpshooter mwahaha.

Clothing question about teen girls for PARENTS! and TEENS!?
Well, you'll probably pick up some more clothes along the way. Two years ago when I was a freshman I didn't really care (probably because we had uniforms hehe) but I hated dress down days for that very reason.

I'd probably get more pants like jeans and other cute pants because they are more sensible than shorts, unless you live in a warm place. But, you'd wear pants more than shorts (just an assumption) so, four might not be enough. And get something other than jeans because if you get too many, they all start to look alike.

But, the clothes are only half of the equation, it all depends on accesories and if you layer shirts, they look nice. Get some pretty belts and purses. And don't worry too much. Everyone else will be to worried about not looking awkward and geeky to notice.

AND, it's really all about how you carry yourself and if you act like you're the sh*t, people will be like "HEY! That girl's the sh*t" lol

Just get a few more pants and you should be fine. You have enough shirts to last you a lifetime. lol
Reply:Yeah that's plenty of clothes.
Reply:that sounds like plenty. its more than ive got and one year i managed to go the first three weeks without repeating an outfit. plus a lot of the t shirts out right now are kind of suvineer esque anyway, like "come to sunny faketown! home of the worlds largest ball of string!" and other fake places, so wear the real thing, i dont think anyone would care

im 21, so im kind of right between parent and teen.

lol, and thank you for the giggle, i tottaly pictured someone perched on a roof with a slingshot as a weapon when you said you wanted to be a slingshot made me giggle.
Reply:that should be enough clothes.but you can never have enough cute tops.usually ppl dont look at you pants just the if want new clothes just get like afew pairs of jeans and a WHOLE bunch of tops.xD.
Reply:yup thats good

but dont wear any souveneer shirts to school. or anywhere in public.

wow. someone isnt very optimistic.
Reply:Ok so yes i think you do, but you can use the 'dorky' shirts, Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-Shirt is a book by Megan Nicolay that you can use to transform thoes tees to funky tops!
Reply:yeah thats good buh wat about sweaters? hoodies? tanks? cant forget the shoes!
Reply:ok im a teen an di say yeah yuo got lots of clothes but maybe not the whole year ( depending on where you live ) shorts dont usually go over so well in winter ... well unless you me i live in michigan and i freak the teahers out every year by whereing shorts in th ewinter an dmaybe pants or capries a total of 2 weeks the whole winter season

I dont quite understand your question but hey... anyways people can have the most gourgeous most expensive clothes, and no personality.... so from what it sounds like you have nice clothes, but making friends and fitting in counts on your attitude and friendlessness.... im in 10th this year and last year for me i had nice clothes but i didnt feel the need to get all blanged out for school, and i got plenty of friends... this year im more into fashion... yah hope this helps lol

Can any christian teens tell me about their experience with self injury/self harm?

Hi. I am doing a article on Christian teens and self injury... and I just wanted to know if any Christian teens and pre teens out there self injur and if any of you had talked about it with people in the church or youth group if so what was their reaction and how did it feel to you.... I really want all the details you are willing to give me about your whole experience

Can any christian teens tell me about their experience with self injury/self harm?
I am a christian and I cut myself. If you want to know email me a because I'm not comfortable talking about for all these people to read.
Reply:Talk to a real doctor.
Reply:i used to cut my wrist sometimes....not uh not anymore... biggie mistake..not smart.. dont do it anymore though
Reply:I've never done that except for once and I almost died so I never did it again. I cut my wrist w/a veeerry sharp knife.
Reply:Wow...that's a very interesting question! I am a Christian, and I have had problems my whole life. My parents told me that when I was little, I would pull (literally rip) my hair out and bite myself and pinch myself. I eventually grew out of it, but when I was 16, a friend told me that she had some of the problems, and she cut herself, because it "hurt so good." I believed her, and I started doing it. I only did it for about a month, because then I got prayed for (my mom found out) and I got some therapy (christian therapy). The problems all came from my mother abandoning me when I was 6 months old. My dad emotionally abandoned me, and I felt alone. Even as a teenager. I now help other girls who feel this way and try to steer them towards opening up about their feelings. I works.

I hope this helps.
Reply:I'm 17 years old and a christian teen.

Back when from when I was in the 5th grade to 7th grade, I used to do self mutilation. I had a hard time coping with certain things and that's how I handled it.

I don't go to church, however, but my brother is a preacher and I told him and his wife one year about it. They were worried about me and said I needed to see a counsoler. I never did though. I just grew out of it and found other things to do when things get rough.

I mean, now that I think about it, the whole thing is a bit blurry. I can't remember much on it. I just know I did it to control my hurt and anger. My brother didn't take it well, neither did my sister in law. They didn't really do anything to help, really. They tried to get me to move in with them, but my mom wouldn't let that happen.

They did let me start coming up to their house a lot more during weekends and vacation breaks. See, they live like 2 hours away from here, so I don't get to see them much.

But it didn't help. Not really.

But I grew out of it and I realized that it was a stupid way of handling things. But that's pretty much my expierence.
Reply:i used to cut my wrists big mistaKe
Reply:I never injured myself intentionally.... although I have done a couple stupid things that I got injured from.
Reply:I never did but I thought about it a few times and once I tried to but the knife wasn't sharp.
Reply:why do you only wanna know about christian teens? thats a little discriminating..
Reply:I used to cut my wrist, and i had a lot of cuts when i stopped, but only one is still visable. I dont know why I did it, and I didnt tell anyone, just my close friends. I quit because I was getting paranoid that my mom or sister would find out.

My friend did it, and her father found out and now she has to go to counseling and she hates it. I dont know if she is still cutting or not.

shoe accessories

*~~~ 4 Sweet Indian Teens ~~~*!!?

Ok i am teen 2 ....I am doing a survey on teens....

1-If you r a teen below 15 send a ^..^ or if above send a ~..~

2- What's your fav. colour..

3-Fav. book

4-Fav channels %26amp; fav. shows

6-Fav website

7-Fav. food;fast food




*~~~ 4 Sweet Indian Teens ~~~*!!?
1- ~..~

2-Fav. colour - Black %26amp; Orange.

3-Fav. book - The Da Vinci Code.

4-Fav channels %26amp; fav. shows - Disney channel, sony entertainment channel, Sab t.v, Cartoon Network %26amp; music channels.

Shows - K.B.C, Hannah Montana, That's so Raven, Indian Idol, Left Right Left, Scooby dooby doo, Tom %26amp; Jerry, Jungle book, Recess etc. [ too many isn't it !! i know !! :-) :-)] - Too many, love slow old songs, like modern new songs.

6-Fav website - Yahoo %26amp; Google.

7-Fav. food - Food cooked by my Mommy dear,Fast food - Panipuri, chaat, masala mudhi etc.

8-FAv-Movie - Swades, veer zaara, Titanic %26amp; comedy movies.

9-Fav-Actress - Rani Mukherjee.

10-Fav-Actor - Ajay Devgan, Hrithik %26amp; many more !! lol !! :-)






chinese and punjabi



Reply:Oh thats Bad, I am 22 :-(
Reply:1) ^..^

2) Yellow, orange

3) Harry Potter

4) Channels- Cartoon network, B4U music

Shows- anything nice

5) Aaj ki raat (from film Don), Woh ajnabee (The train) and Massari's Real love

6) anything

7) Pizza

8) Good boy bad boy

9) Priyanka Chopra and Priety Zinta

10) King khan
Reply:1- ^..^

2- red n yellow

3- manga books! LOVE dem!

4- many! (not any ekta kapoor 1s!)

5- many again! not any specific but include hindi english songs:D

6- not any specific but the games 1

7- pasta n pizza n all our desi junk (pani puri, masala muri.. my mouts waterin now!)

9- apne desi mei -- rani n ash

10 - in bollywood -- hrithik n shahruk
Reply:1.^..^ and hot pink

3.avalon high-meg cabot as we know it,ugly betty,cribs


8.mean girls

9.miley cyrus,vanessa anne hudgens

10.drake bell
Reply:I am a teenaager.

But pPlzz let me ans !!!



Harry Potter

Disney Channel and Disney Channel Shows

Bol Na Halke Halke and Shakira's My Hips Dont Lie


Rajma Rice and Pizza, Chowmein


Aishwarya Rai and Ashley Tisdale

Hritik and Leonardo DaCapriro
Reply:1. ^..^

2. red

3. a walk to remember

4. mtv, vh1

5. weezer songs

6. myspace

7. mean girls??

8. rachel mcadams

10. jake gyllenhaul
Reply:1)}] ~..~


3)}]harry pottter series,daddy long legs,feluda(beng)..

4)}]disney,animal planet...that's so raven,full house..

5)}]jiski khusbu hain(shyamak),dewana tera(sonu),lonely(akon),...


7)}]biriyani...hehe..maggi..hehe...pla... rice.

8)}]speed 1,pirates series...prisoner of azkaban


10)}]thomas felton,keanu reeves,johnny depp..

Reply:hello friend,



maths book

sun music, kanaa kaanum kaalangal (serial)

jalsa pannunga da in chennai 600028.


ghilli, anniyan, piriamaana tholi etc..

nayanthara, shreya..



3.Pride %26amp; Prejudice, Jane Eyre

4.NDTV, We The People, Takeshi's castle, small wonder

5.Bol re Papihara


7.Fish curry, potato chips


9.Rani Mukhejee

10.Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan
Reply:1. ~..~


3.Fav Book-Calvin and Hobbes.

4.Fav channels-Discovery Channel,Fav show-Future Weapons. Love.

6.Fav Website-Yahoo

7.Fav.Food-Indian,Fast food-Pani Puri

8.Fav Movie-Titanic

9.Fav Actress-Kajol

10.Fav Actor-Shah Rukh Khan,Sylvester Stallone.

1 : ^..^


3.Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire , though I am seriously considering giving that honour to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

4.Disney Channel , MTV,Channel V ...and...

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody , Hannah Montana , Kaun Banega Crorepati( SRKs version for me )

5.Kal Ho Naa Ho!!!

6. (what else???) and

7.All dishes of Chinese cuisine ,particularly szechuan chicken ; Golgappas!!!!( Mera Bharat Mahaan all d way , I do not prefer McDonald's burgers to our street food)

8.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban , and Kal Ho Naa Ho ( for most of its parts)

9.Preity Zinta

10.Shah Rukh Khan!!!
Reply:1. ^..^

2. Green

3. The Twins at St.Clare by Enid Blyton

4. Detective School Q, Full House

5. Allah Ke Bande


7. French Fries

8. Not Specific

I don't have any favourite actor or actress.


3-Related to Fashion

4-Fashion TV %26amp; Fashion show

5-Jo maangi khuda se ,from Saawan

7-Indian Food only



10-My Love
Reply:♥ ~..~

♥ Fav colour: Royal Blue, Pink

♥Fav Book : Wuthering Heights

♥Fav Channels: Vh1, Zoom, Cartoon network,Cnn-Ibn, NDTV

♥Fav Shows: News, Cartoons, Drake and Josh and many others!!

♥Fav Song: Many..!!

♥ Fav website: Y!A, and Wikipedia

♥-Fav. food: Biryani!!

♥Fav fast food: Burgers

♥Fav Movie: Lagaan

♥Fav actoress: Preity Zinta

♥Fav actor: Hrithik Roshan and Aamir Khan
Reply:Hi! here's your answers.

1- ~..~



4-netgeo/discovery/history/animal planet %26amp; any show when i have time on it.

5-your my love...



9-noting yet

10-noting yet
Reply:1. a~..~

2. red

3. Harry potter and the order of the phoenix

4. star sports, espn, tensports

5. show me d meaning of love

6. yahoo

7. noodles

8. spiderman, pokkiri(tamil movie)etc..

9. rani mukherjee, jhothika, aish, kajol

10.sharuk,amitabh, vijay

Do you think teens should be able to do this without parental consent?

Do you think teens should be able to get BC and abortions without parental knowledge or consent? Am I the only one who thinks this could be extremely dangerous because

A) A teen might not fully disclose/understand a medical condition that could make one of these options life threatening

B) By excluding parents from this, the teen will loose the support and ability to confide and seek love and advice from their parents.

Or is there some really good reason to exclude parents from medical issues and procedures involving their child that I just haven't thought about yet?

Do you think teens should be able to do this without parental consent?
No. Teens are not adults and at that age are not responsible for themselves, by law. Their PARENTS are. Therefore, any such procedure should include parental consent. PERIOD.
Reply:Teenagers are going to have sex whether we like it or not. If we do not allow them to have BC without parental consent then unwanted pregnancies and diseases will become more prevalent, which will cause more social problems than the ones you describe by a long shot.

Doctors will know of any medical conditions BEFORE subscribing any drugs for anything not just BC. Doctors are not so foolish. And anyway most forms of BC do not affect any medical conditions.

Excluding parents should be the choice of the teen. AND noone else's. Many parents will not want to know about their child's sex life. Doctors should be able to provide all medical advice and it is the teen's choice to whom they tell about their sex life.

Stop being so patronising to teenagers. They will do what they want ESPECIALLY if you don't like it.

NB I'd just like to point out that having sex does not make you a slut. People mature at different rates. Somepeople are ready for sex before others. It is about choice and the government should not force people to risk their lives to use their right to have sex.
Reply:I think that the minor should have to have parental consent before an abortion. With the birthcontrol issue, I could argue both ways.
Reply:No, i do not think that children under the age of 18 should get anything like that unless the parents have ok'd it. It will open up a whole new can of worms. I agree with you whole heartedly.
Reply:I think it's discusting that the person cannot consent for this themselves. It does NOTHING to prevent teen pregnancy, it increases it.

Who do you think has back alley abortions? Girls who do not wish to tell their parents they are pregnant.
Reply:Birth controll can to cause lots of problems, expecially the Depo shot. Some people have died from using birth controll.

I know that sex is has only two purposes, to bring a husband and wife closer togeather and to procreate. Im not going to leave my children uninformed about sex or leave it up to the school to teach them. No adult/parent should. But they do have there freedom of choice also.

I dont want my child taking birthcontroll with out my knowledge.

That fetus is alive and taking away life seems like murder to me.
Reply:They should get parental consent because parents are supposed to give good advice (some DON'T), and a good set of parents would not let their kid do abortion or anything of the sort because they understand it's murder.
Reply:Some parents obviously wouldn't be understanding about the situation. Especially if it was a religious family or if perfection is expected of them.

Other parents would be understanding and stuff so I think its fine. Plus its not absolutely necessary that everything be confided with people ya know?

As far as health most teens know about their health problems. I know that I have slight asthma and allergies and I know the meds. I take for them.
Reply:Hello., NO! NO! %26amp; to simply answer your question NO! Besides the fact that you are their parent you are the one who makes decisions in their lives until the age of 18 when they are supposibly considered adults, you get to make the choice. My personal choice would be CLOSE YOUR LEGS! But of course I'm not a parent yet. I think when schools give children BC they are allowing some danger to get to them and giving them the green light , so to speak, to have sex! Life threatining results have been proven. Their puny little bodies are still growing for GOD'S SAKE!!!! Stop letting them have sex... Get them to be afraid of getting prego until they are married! PLEASE~!
Reply:If your talking about the school that is giving it out to 11 year olds with out knowing then yes 100%.

But if were talking about 15, 16, or 17 year olds then its different.
Reply:its a touchy subject, i think parents should pronabably at least kno when it comes to abortion but as for birth control teens must be able to get, or else we will just have more abortions.
Reply:should be able to do it with out CONSENT but NOT without parental knowledge if that is anyway possible
Reply:everyone is so diffrent these days..there are no 'cleavers'in my neighborhood!if your 'frenz'as well as 'mom' to your daughter she would confide in you.every situation is diffrent as day and,say, the girl screwed up,shes desperate to rethink things,shed rather stay in school,whatever,she goes to mom,guess what?mom is some freak,doesnt beleave in abortions (im like not saying free for all,you play,you loose, you cant use the abortion to fix everymistake)but accidents happen,this girl doesnt want her mom involved.but she should most definatly confide in someone,close friend,auntie,councler...ok?
Reply:What's worse, kids getting birth control without parental consent, or kids not being able to get birth control, having sex anyway, and getting pregnant?
Reply:i totally agree with you
Reply:It's really simple: I am going to end up having unprotected sex because my mother will not buy me birth control. Thats it, plain and simple. It does not discourage teens from having sex. It makes them want to defy their parents and do it anyway. It would decrease the teen pregnancy rate, i'll tell you that. If she'd buy the stuff for me, I wouldn't have unprotected sex. But if she won't, I will. Plain and simple.
Reply:i dont believe in abortions i think it should be against the law for any one to have one 1)because God gives people babys 2)cuz if u dont wanna use protection u should live with the conquests 3)if u absolutely dont want the baby or cant take care of the baby u should give it up for adoption 2 a family that cant have children

God bless
Reply:teens should be able to get reproductive and health services without parental consent. if teens had better access to birth control, teen pregnancy and abortion rates would be much lower. did you know that half of teens have sex by the time they graduate from high school? do you really think all of those teens feel comfortable enough to talk to their parents about sex? i'm 21 and have an amazing relationship with my mom but even though she has told me my whole life that i can come to her about anything, including sex, it's not something i'm very comfortable with. talking to your parents about sex in a hypothetical way is one thing, but when it comes to what you're doing or thinking about doing, that's a different situation.

and as far as a teen not fully understanding medical information, gyns don't just hand out birth control pills without explaining safe sex practices and giving the patient information about the birth control they prescribe.

teens are going to have sex...what's important is that they get proper information about how to protect themselves from stds and unwanted pregnancies and have access to birth control and condoms.
Reply:sure if they are over 18
Reply:I'm not going to read all of the response, so chances are this has already been said as I feel it is a common response.

If teens are not able to get some form of birth control without their parents knowing, they are likely to partake in sexual acts without birth control due to the fact that they don't want their parents to know about it.

About the abortion thing: I feel like parents should know if their child is going to have an abortion, but I don't feel like they should have to consent to it. It's the child's body and she will have to deal with the consequences herself.

A) A mature minor can see a doctor confidentially and discuss medical conditions that they may be facing.

B) It's a choice they've mad. If they're partaken in actions that are not respected by their parents, then they need to realize that they are also giving up other things in their life.

Bottom line is: if the kid wants to have sex, the kid is going to have sex. I don't think that providing birth control makes kids more likely to do so, because trust me, they will find alternative ways of obtaining these items. It's better to be safe than sorry...the line we've all grown up on.
Reply:It's the woman's body. They should be able to do what they want! No matter HOW much their parents care. They can NOT decide for the girl. Abortion isn't murder... the baby isn't even a fetus! And if someone doesn't, it doesn't mean their a tramp. There could have been a special problem.
Reply:If they are sexual active or just want it to shorten periods, I'd say yes. If not then I'd say no. Abortions, I'm Pro-Life so I say yes. Choose adoptions instead.
Reply:i agree with u completly i think that that is a huge disicion to make and i dont think they fully understand that they are KILLING theyre child if they really dont want they should give it up for adoption. there are tons of couples who would to have chinldren but cant. i also dont think they no all the side affects of abortion. most people who get abortions have alot of difficulties in later pregnancies, and it is known to make people go through deppression. abortion is somthing very serious and i dont think that is a choice a teen should make without their parents
Reply:The thing that really gets me is if they screw up the 'procedure' on the girl and she has no clue about the side effects. The parents will get her to the hospital too late. she could die.. and they will have to pay for the emergency room.. and the funeral bills.

Nobody from the state, school or the PPH comes running to the door with the cash to make up for that expense plus condolences for the shock and loss of their daughter.

It's all terribly wrong!!
Reply:If they choose to have sex, and some will, there should be birth control available for pregnancy prevention and STD prevention. It needs to be there as a backup system. Parents are not always open to children like many think they are. So yes, these things need to be in place.
Reply:Option "A" could apply to anyone, not just a teenager.

That said, I don't believe anyone under consenting age should be able to receive any form of birth control without parental consent. At 18, a person is still a teenager, but is still of consenting age.
Reply:So, you are asking if I think teenagers (minors) can murder their unborn children? NO!!!!

Abortion is murder. If you have ever had a miscarriage, you know that babies look just like babies at 9-10 weeks gestation. But it's legal to rip their arms and legs off and leave them for dead far past that point.

Wake up people!
Reply:Birth control pills are not going to cause any serious complications, but abortion definitely can. So I think that minors should be able to get birth control pills without consent, but not abortions. The only reason I can think of to get rid of parental consent for abortion is that the parents might be abusive- but parental consent laws already make an exception for that.
Reply:yes i live in oregon and its okay here and they tried to ban it but it didnt work

it has helped like almost each and every single on of the girls i know
Reply:No and anyone who does is a tramp! :)
Reply:I dont think that teens should be allowed to have abortions without parental consent. Here is the legal argument behind that:

Being pregnant makes a female an adult. Get an abortion, cease to be pregnant, back to being a minor under your parent's roof.

Books about Troubled Teens or kids?

Does anyone know of any good books about troubled teens? Books about teens in crises, drug addiction, alcohol, eating disorders, child abuse etc... I am a case manager for at risk teens and youth and would like to let my kids read books about kids that went through the same things that they are going through so they do not feel so alone. thanls

Books about Troubled Teens or kids?
Mercy Unbound by Kim Antieau (eating disorder and possible mental illness)

Invisible by Pete Hautman (mental illness)

The Burn Journals by Brent Runyon (failed suicide attempt/depression)

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (rape)

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen (rape and eating disorder)

Candy by Kevin Brooks (drug addiction)
Reply:Books by Jim Carroll (The Basketball Diaries and the Downtown Diaries are two of the best) draw from his experiences as a young man when he went from a promising student athlete to a drug addict…and back out of that to a successful writer.
Reply:go ask alice - by anonymas
Reply:Jennifer Lauck's "Blackbird: A Childhood Lost and Found"
Reply:Vision Quest by Terry Davis

This is one of the most real-world inspiring and beautifully understated pieces of fiction that I have read. The protagonist, Louden Swain, is a 17-and 18-year-old who is doing his very best to become the best (the most alive, capable) person he can figure out how to become. It's durned good to see such a life as Louden's promoted in a fine piece of writing instead of the maladjusts we often find in contemporary, "cool" literature. Although Vision Quest is listed as a young adult title, the writing transcends that genre. This is not so much a book for adolescent readers (although they'll likely enjoy it) as it is a fun read for adults who powerfully connect with good novels. The ending: it's downright perfect. The wrestling match between Louden and his opponent is not the point of the story. The journey of becoming is what matters here.
Reply:Tobias Wolff's "This Boy's Life"
Reply:I read "Smashed" by Koren Zailckas - it's an easy read but not very dramatic, I don't know if you'd need something dramatic to keep a kid's attention. Maybe you can try James Frey's "A million little pieces," even though parts of it, as it turns out are not true......... shouldn't troubled kids be reading happy books?
Reply:probably blind faith, I read that book, it's really good, with an odd twist.
Reply:there is an old book called "it happened to Nancy" that is really popular.

And a new book called "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen..the book includes how a girl lost all her friends in school and her sister's eating disorder. it is really good.

California teens on myspace?

seems like teens in California are taking over myspace. not all teens, those looks sort of emo, has more than 100 pic comments and thousands of comments. i see a large number of kids trying to just be them. so why california in particuler?

California teens on myspace?
california is big - plenty of room for so many people

the "emo" percentage is roughly the same no matter what state you're in - and generally, they range from ages 13-17, so far as i've seen. any older than that, and i call it regular depression
Reply:Myspace just hit California harder than some states I suppose. I also live in California, I'm a teenager, and I do have a myspace.

There's not necessarily more California myspacers though, maybe the Cali ones just get recognized more frequently.

shoe parts

Pagan Teens?

I am a pagan teen 14 and i would really like other pagan/pagan teens to talk to me and help me

Pagan Teens?
There are many Pagan/Wiccan teen groups and sites on Yahoo. Enter Pagan or Wiccan Teens into the search engine.
Reply:I'm guessing your parents are not "Pagan" (whatever that means...)

Just keep asking questions, and remember, the "answers" are not The Answers, but simply responses from other highly imperfect human beings.

The real answers come from inside and never stop developing (until you settle for conclusions).
Reply:this isn't a chat site jackass




There are so many diffrent branches of paganism.

Any teens here live in canberra?

This is a long shot, but r there any teens here that live in canberra? i'm 16 btw, and just want to chat to ppl around my area around my age. i really hope no pedophilles or anything like that answer, cos i will have to kill them :) if ur a teen living in canberra (australia) can u tell me ur msn, and we can chat

Any teens here live in canberra?
Harry, try the Yahoo Australia/ New Zealand Messageboards. Get into the TV thread and see if you can strike up a convo with people in your age group and maybe you'll find someone in Canberra.

Partying teens.. NORMAL?

I'm a teen, senior year in highschool. My mentality 90% of teens drink and party..personally i just want to have fun and i enjoy drinking although i am underage..its not that i get peer pressured or wanna seem cool or anything its just FUN and a social thing. Of course i know its against the law but the law is not black n white or always enforced, many kids get away with partying. But i want to live my life to the fullest and do whatever brings me the most fun cause i don't want to live by fear of punishment or consequences..i mean thats just lame. Not doing something because i might get in trouble sounds stupid, i just dont do anything that will hurt myself or others. When i go out with friends and all I might not always be "good" but im ALWAYS cautious and safe. Even though i like to party, i obviously know not to drink myself sick or drive a vehicle. I'm still a good person, honor student, college bound, so what do you say about my way of things?(my parents dont agree w/me)

Partying teens.. NORMAL?
i totally agree. i am also a senior and college bound. as long as teens are being safe then there is no reason why we shouldnt be able to have a few drinks and enjoy life.
Reply:I think it depends on each person and how well they know their limit, how sensible they are etc. I know people who drink at parties and stuff but they always manage to be quietly sensible, so they don't seem 'uncool' or whatever, but they never get hurt or do themselves a lot of damage.

But then there's also the people who go way over the top, the people who drink as much as they possibly can, who go out to deliberately get completely wasted, They're the one's who'll end up alcoholics or druggies or fail in college.

It's all about controlling yourself and being mature.
Reply:I'm a High School Senior too! AND I am also a sophomore in college (I am a PSEO student) I have a 4.6 GPA and I go to a private school.

I also drink underaged.

I just turned 18 and I go to parties with my friends and drink a little, there is nothing wrong with half a glass of an alcoholic beverage, it won't do anything to you (Hell Coffee does more to me than alcohol!) So if you keep it safe, do not go to wild parties where you will get caught because the neighbors will call, don't drink too much, make sure you have a good driver, Have fun!
Reply:your old enough to take care of these problems with out help.
Reply:Yeah drinking can cause problems and i dotn think you see it right, hopefully you will someday
Reply:iM a freshman and if I partyed tomorrow i would do the same thing, it is normal and i am one to go with the flow, and you sound like that too.
Reply:arent you the same guy who got grounded for trying to have a party without your parents knowing?
Reply:I used to drink when i was underage too - I looked old for my age and the law is very, very slack around where I grew up, so I was going into bars when I was 14 years old.

Looking back, it's a terrible, terrible thing to do. There are so many unnecessary risks you put yourself into that you don't even realise. If I could turn back the clock, I wouldn't drink. I too was a good student, college bound, everything. But there's only so safe you can be - your judgment is impaired when you drink alcohol, whether you realise it or not. I'm very lucky that nothing too bad ever happened to me. I definitely do not recommend underage drinking.
Reply:Be careful, this is how alcoholics are created.
Reply:almost every teen partys...its normal but somtimes things happen and mistakes happen and i guess u can say thats a part of growing up but there was huge mistakes i made as a teen and i wish i could go back and change them...not every teen makes a big mistake but some do cause by drinking and so on... i am now 24 and i understand now why parnets r so strick on things like this you will too once u grow up...I am not saying dont drink or party(because i know u will lol) but when u do things like this make sure u know what r u doing and ur limits because u dont want to end up 24 and wishing u could go back and change something u did!
Reply:I think you have a very immature way of looking at life. You should live life to it's fullest but when you are drinking, it is not always easy to tell when you have had enough. Your judgement is impaired. Most people that cause drunk driving accidents had no intention of hurting themselves or anyone else either. I say, if you are college bound, save your partying for there when you are 21. So, I have to agree with your parents. Sorry!
Reply:wow. Almost in college and already starting off on the right foot. keep it up and we'll see you on the "Dead By Morning" column in the newspaper.

Pagan Teens?

I am a pagan teen 14 and i would really like other pagan/pagan teens to talk to me and help me

Pagan Teens?
There are many Pagan/Wiccan teen groups and sites on Yahoo. Enter Pagan or Wiccan Teens into the search engine.
Reply:I'm guessing your parents are not "Pagan" (whatever that means...)

Just keep asking questions, and remember, the "answers" are not The Answers, but simply responses from other highly imperfect human beings.

The real answers come from inside and never stop developing (until you settle for conclusions).
Reply:this isn't a chat site jackass




There are so many diffrent branches of paganism.

shoe materials

Any teens here live in canberra?

This is a long shot, but r there any teens here that live in canberra? i'm 16 btw, and just want to chat to ppl around my area around my age. i really hope no pedophilles or anything like that answer, cos i will have to kill them :) if ur a teen living in canberra (australia) can u tell me ur msn, and we can chat

Any teens here live in canberra?
Harry, try the Yahoo Australia/ New Zealand Messageboards. Get into the TV thread and see if you can strike up a convo with people in your age group and maybe you'll find someone in Canberra.

Partying teens.. NORMAL?

I'm a teen, senior year in highschool. My mentality 90% of teens drink and party..personally i just want to have fun and i enjoy drinking although i am underage..its not that i get peer pressured or wanna seem cool or anything its just FUN and a social thing. Of course i know its against the law but the law is not black n white or always enforced, many kids get away with partying. But i want to live my life to the fullest and do whatever brings me the most fun cause i don't want to live by fear of punishment or consequences..i mean thats just lame. Not doing something because i might get in trouble sounds stupid, i just dont do anything that will hurt myself or others. When i go out with friends and all I might not always be "good" but im ALWAYS cautious and safe. Even though i like to party, i obviously know not to drink myself sick or drive a vehicle. I'm still a good person, honor student, college bound, so what do you say about my way of things?(my parents dont agree w/me)

Partying teens.. NORMAL?
i totally agree. i am also a senior and college bound. as long as teens are being safe then there is no reason why we shouldnt be able to have a few drinks and enjoy life.
Reply:I think it depends on each person and how well they know their limit, how sensible they are etc. I know people who drink at parties and stuff but they always manage to be quietly sensible, so they don't seem 'uncool' or whatever, but they never get hurt or do themselves a lot of damage.

But then there's also the people who go way over the top, the people who drink as much as they possibly can, who go out to deliberately get completely wasted, They're the one's who'll end up alcoholics or druggies or fail in college.

It's all about controlling yourself and being mature.
Reply:I'm a High School Senior too! AND I am also a sophomore in college (I am a PSEO student) I have a 4.6 GPA and I go to a private school.

I also drink underaged.

I just turned 18 and I go to parties with my friends and drink a little, there is nothing wrong with half a glass of an alcoholic beverage, it won't do anything to you (Hell Coffee does more to me than alcohol!) So if you keep it safe, do not go to wild parties where you will get caught because the neighbors will call, don't drink too much, make sure you have a good driver, Have fun!
Reply:your old enough to take care of these problems with out help.
Reply:Yeah drinking can cause problems and i dotn think you see it right, hopefully you will someday
Reply:iM a freshman and if I partyed tomorrow i would do the same thing, it is normal and i am one to go with the flow, and you sound like that too.
Reply:arent you the same guy who got grounded for trying to have a party without your parents knowing?
Reply:I used to drink when i was underage too - I looked old for my age and the law is very, very slack around where I grew up, so I was going into bars when I was 14 years old.

Looking back, it's a terrible, terrible thing to do. There are so many unnecessary risks you put yourself into that you don't even realise. If I could turn back the clock, I wouldn't drink. I too was a good student, college bound, everything. But there's only so safe you can be - your judgment is impaired when you drink alcohol, whether you realise it or not. I'm very lucky that nothing too bad ever happened to me. I definitely do not recommend underage drinking.
Reply:Be careful, this is how alcoholics are created.
Reply:almost every teen partys...its normal but somtimes things happen and mistakes happen and i guess u can say thats a part of growing up but there was huge mistakes i made as a teen and i wish i could go back and change them...not every teen makes a big mistake but some do cause by drinking and so on... i am now 24 and i understand now why parnets r so strick on things like this you will too once u grow up...I am not saying dont drink or party(because i know u will lol) but when u do things like this make sure u know what r u doing and ur limits because u dont want to end up 24 and wishing u could go back and change something u did!
Reply:I think you have a very immature way of looking at life. You should live life to it's fullest but when you are drinking, it is not always easy to tell when you have had enough. Your judgement is impaired. Most people that cause drunk driving accidents had no intention of hurting themselves or anyone else either. I say, if you are college bound, save your partying for there when you are 21. So, I have to agree with your parents. Sorry!
Reply:wow. Almost in college and already starting off on the right foot. keep it up and we'll see you on the "Dead By Morning" column in the newspaper.

How do you make NPC teens playable? (The Sims 2)?

I think there is a way to get the NPC teens or kids to grow up. My teen is going steady with a NPC teen %26amp; mine is going to grow into an adult soon. I would like to have the two married, but I don't know how to get the NPC teens the grow up or be playable to make them adults.

How do you make NPC teens playable? (The Sims 2)?
If you have University, you can move the townie teen to University and they will grow into a young adult and become a playable student. This is a good way to age up teenagers at the same time and is why a lot of people like University even if they don't like the gameplay much.

If you don't have University, you can ask the townie teen to move in with the friend (and their family). This will set them into the family at the start of the teen stage, so you can either wait for them to grow up (which will make them much younger than your existing teenager) or use the agesim cheat.

Game cheats, BTW, are listed in the Readme that comes with the game. Hardly anyone seems to read it but here's what it says about agesims:

agesimscheat on

Enables aging cheat when shift clicking on other Sims

This cheat came with Nightlife so if you have that EP or a later one, the cheat should work.
Reply:well if you feel comfortable using boolprop, try this:

type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat window, then shift click on the NPC sim, then choose make selectable.

the NPC will live with your family then when it becomes an adult you can make it "find own place" with the newspaper or computer. however, the NPC sim will have the whole 15 days to go as a teen because they don't age outside of a house. basically, it will be a lot younger than the sim you want it to marry.

For teens who are pregnant?

I run a group for teens who are pregnant or have had a baby we never judge . you can come ask questions and meet new people

or you can email me if you need any help with anything

Im a teen mum im 19 and have a 8month old so i no what your going through so please if you need to ask a question im here to help

For teens who are pregnant?
thats awsome, ive been looking for a group, but after my son is born im not sure how much time ill actually have for the whole online 18 now, and ill have my son in just a few weeks cant wait!!! my email is can open to meeting new people
Reply:God bless you and what your doing.
Reply:aww thats such a nice thing for you to do. im not pregnant tho and im happy im not!
Reply:i dont understand other teenagers today, i'm a teenager myself, but i dont really know whats going through the minds of others.
Reply:thanks that is a very good thing u r doing

climbing shoes

Do teens look up to those kids on My Super Sweet 16?

I've seen a few episodes of My Super Sweet 16, and, after I recovered from the shock of seeing a 16-year-old receive a 100,000 dollar BMW and a 400,000 dollar party, I think it's hillarious to see such stupid kids. I've been wondering if teens realize that this show is making fun of them... or if teens look up to these spoiled kids?

Do teens look up to those kids on My Super Sweet 16?
I think what is most ridiculous is the way that those children curse and shout at their parents. If that was my child, they'd get their mouth washed out with soap. I can't understand how someone can buy their rude, disrespectful child a brand new car and just think nothing is wrong with it.

Ugh, I hate that show and the people on it.
Reply:in alway i look up to then for my sweet 16 teen. i want a car and and ball room for my party 2 songers 2 dress and other ****. Report It

Reply:Hell Yeah I love that show! Look im not shooting for a 400,000 dollar party or a decent car but damn do i want a kool party like that ,not all that other junk they got that they probaley would'nt have needed if they weren't spoiled. I'd only get what i need and have like a 10,000 dollar limit at the 13 and my parties before the limit was only 1,000 dollars.
Reply:No, we don't look up to those kids. I had to watch that show in English class once in 11th grade, and that show just makes everyone mad. We don't look up to them at all. If anything, we get the urge to beat them and send them off to a third world country.
Reply:I'm a teen (14), and I know it's total crap. I'm embarrased to part of this generation sometimes...
Reply:lol i dont look up to them at all. its still funny to watch.
Reply:Ohh no

We are disgusted at the kids on that show
Reply:soem do some don't i thinkthese girls are pathetic and need to be taught how tomake it on their own not how to spend mom and dads money i didnt get a car or my liscence at 16 im 19 and still have didly squat and it aint getting any better what are these girls gonna do when they are thrown into the real world they wont make none of them will its pathetic
Reply:Absolutely not. And let me just say that their parents should all be slapped for being such pushovers.
Reply:my teenage kids and stepkids think it's hilarious and sickening at the same time. If anything they despise those brats and their families.
Reply:oh gosh no. I think they're downright idiots. They don't appriciate money and they have awful parents for not teaching them that not everything is going to be handed over to them on a silver platter.
Reply:i think its f*ckin stupid a whole bunch of rich b*tches getting what they want its pretty much to rub it in every ones face
Reply:I've also heard that that show is fake. Anyway, definitely not, most teens look down on those people, they seem like such spoiled, selfish brats.
Reply:no i dont look up to people who just expect things to be handed to them on a silver plater...or demand respect with out earning it........which is basically what those kids do...
Reply:i actually heard the show was all fake ..but idk

and hell no i don't look up to them, me and my friends laugh at them lmao
Reply:Okay teens ( me ) we dont look up to them. Its just fun to watch and it's really funny to watch at times too. Like the times where the girl gets embarassed or gets so mad wiht the preperation. And seriously, I got a party when I was 12 for around 10,000 but that was just the hall part, so there was another 5,000 maybe. I mean seriously that's not spoiled. It's just okay if you treat your parents wiht respect and show them you appreciate it.
Reply:i dont look up to them.. i think they are spoiled and thier partys are boring... its not the material things that matter..

im 15 btw.. i like to have fun at partys.. not have a boring disco or some crap.
Reply:Yeah i seen some too. $100,000 car for your frist car is CRAZY they will end up being cashed then they would get a better one. Dress's that are $20,000 for your 16th is stupid. What comes to mind is what the hell are the going to do for the wedding.
Reply:I know those teens R lik the *********-e-s-t people on the whole in tire world and stuff and no most well i say dont look up to those h-o-e-s and stuff and like there retarted and in real life most teens dont have dat type of money and stuff and shoves it in to our face there better than us but there fightin bit-ch-in crying and stupiddy make most of america laugh..LoLz i hoped i helped
Reply:I really hope nobody looks up to them. They are not role models. All they are selfish brats that whine and cry when they do not get their way.
Reply:Ugh. No.

"YOU (*%26amp;(#*%26amp;$(#* (*%26amp;(*%26amp;(%26amp;! THIS ISN'T THE CAR I WANTED T_T."

Boo hoo. At least your getting a car. And an EXPENSIVE one at that. -rolls eyes-
Reply:hahha i hope not there annoying~

I have some questions about Teens and Alcohol. This is to be answered by teens, I could really use your help.?

If you are a teen I could use your help with this survey.

I am doing a survey on teens and drinking. Some of these questions are a little personal, but please feel comfortable answering truthfully, it will be completely anonymys. This is for my college theasus, I am majoring in adolescent developement. Your help would be extremely appreciated, I am trying to get as many teens as possible to answer the following questions. These questions do not have to be answered in a lot of detail, please give as much imformation with out causing yourself to much trouble.

1. Have you ever drank alcohol

2. Do you have family members who drink alcohol around you?

3. How well do you do in school?

4. Are your parents still married?

5. Have you ever tried any other drugs? (don't have to be specific, just yes or no)

6. Do/have you smoke(d)?

7. How old are you?

8. Are you male or female


I have some questions about Teens and Alcohol. This is to be answered by teens, I could really use your help.?

Reply:1) no

2) yes

3) I usually get A's, a few B's here and there and about one C every semester (I hate science!)

4) yes

5) no

6) no

7) 13

8) female

Glad to help you out!


2) brother...

3)quite well


5)yes....but only once




ur leave me alone...


Awesome! Straight A's




Nun of ya buisness

Reply:i dont think online is the best place to get your answers, get a clip board and go to the mall or busy place.

when i was a teen, i drank alcohol too much.

i did have alcohol around me of course but no alcohol abuse.

poorly in school.

parents not married


i did smoke then too...

it started at 14 i believe.



good i guess

not 4 long



none of your business

Reply:1. I have dipped the tip of my finger in my dad's drink but have never actually 'drank'.

2.Yes. My parents and aunts and uncles.





7.12(pretty much a teenager, right?)


Pregnant Teens?

i need help i have to do a project on pregnant teens so if you know a pregnant teen or if you are one tell me about it ? I need to no how it was to take care of you baby while going to school and why did you have sex and what did your parents say when you told them? let me know tell me did the baby father want you to have the baby and did he help you take care of the baby did you parents help how old were you when you got pregnant

let me know!!!!!

Pregnant Teens?
hi im a 17 year old girl soon to be 18 and im 15weeks3days pregnant.. and i live with my boyfriend thats why i have sex? .. i was on the pill and using condoms and mistakes hppen i currently havent told my family because truth be told im scared shitless. im sure my family will be very supportive . my boyfriend is the best thing in the world hes so excited and supports me very well!! we are looking forward to the birth of our child!

good luck with your project hope i helped.
Reply:I know of a pregnant teen . . . . . . she is 18 still going to school %26amp; working at the same time. From what I hear it is very hard being pregnant doing the normal day to day duties. Her schedule is so busy she sometimes can't keep up w/where she should be on days. The baby father is around now but I believe he will slowly bail out because that is the norm w/him. Her parents were upset but they stuck by her w/what ever she decided about the baby %26amp; the rest of her life. They will help her after she have the baby as far as sitting while she keeps going to school %26amp; work. But the clubin %26amp; late nites has come to a hault until the baby get here.
Reply:hey im 16 and 4weeks prego. the father wants nothing to do with the child he wants me to get an abortion but im not.he told me he still wants to b friends with benfits but doesnt want the child.if i go to the altertive school they have child care there if not i have to get a babysitter i havent told my mom yet but my sister know and wants to kill me.i had sex well because it fun plus i loved eric but a few days later we broke up cuz he'll be 20 in 4months. if you need to kno anymore just ask its not gonna be easy i know that but a baby is the best mistake of all really it so good its not a mistake.
Reply:I had my baby at 15, she's turning 5 in September.

My parents were surprised but still they were good to me and they supported me all the time

My soon-to-be husband is my baby's father and we love each other very much, the baby actually made us very close! He had 23 years old at the time and was already a college graduate and had his own house and a great job

While I went to school I let her with her father, my parents or his parents!!
Reply:Im not a pregnant teen, my friend was. She was raped at 14, was told she was having one baby, had her "baby" and another came along at 15. Her parents didnt react that bad, cause it wasnt her fault. The person that raped Toni (my friend) killed himself when he found out. My friend is now 15 (still) carrying on with school with no babies, they would have been 5 months now. Got taken off her cause her parents wouldnt look after them and she was missing school. It effected all her life. She still isnt the same now. Shes still not gotten over having her babies taken off her 3 months later. She got pregnant again (her boyfriend) a month after she got her babies taken off her and miscarried..hope this helps.


Reply:Having a Healthy Pregnancy

Whether you feel confused, worried, scared, or excited, you'll want to know ... change, and it's natural for pregnant teens to wonder whether they're ready to ... - 30k - Cached
Reply:well im pregnant i lost my virginity the same night i became a mom the codemn busted and i didnt know when i found out i was pregnant i was confuse i didnt knw wat to tell my parents but im 4 months and im keeping it

Help!! Teens had party at my house while we were out of town.?

I just found out that My teens had a small party at my home and they were drinking while my wife and I were out of town. Two Police detectives showed up and told me that while they had the party a 16 year old girl is saying that two boys stole her keys and totaled her car two blocks away. The boys admit they were drunk but say she lent them the keys. My teens are 16 and 18. My question is, could I and my wife be liable for the car or injuries involved? I don't know the age of the two boys but I think they were minors. Also is my 18 year old in any way responsable? We live in California if that helps.


Help!! Teens had party at my house while we were out of town.?
Whether or not you will be held liable depends on a variety of instances, Such as, was it your alcohol that they were drinking, or did the kids bring it themselves? Additionally if you had any thought that your children might do this(highly doubt this but if there is a suit it will be brought up) and you left them unsupervised then you might be held liable. Just because you might not be held liable in a court of law, doesn't mean that the girl might try to file a suit against you. Any charges against the 15 year old will come back to you, but you'd need to contact a local attorney to see if your 18 year old could be held liable as an independent. After this incident I would not leave the children unsupervised for a night again, as it could be held that you had prior knowledge of their partying tendency, thus increasing the probability that you will be held liable in a suit.

Your best bet would be to contact your attorney. The girl might not sue, but in today's sue-happy atmosphere there is a high probability that one will be filed.
Reply:your 18 yr. old is an adult!

the whole car issue should be filed under your homeowners insurance, if that is what you have that is liable for anything that happens at your house (ie somebody is hurt)
Reply:You need to put this question in politics %26amp; government --- law enforcement category.

It needs some professional input.
Reply:If the girl's parents decide to push the situation, then there's possibly that chance of you being held responsible for the damages. However, you can always hire your own attorney if need be and fight it. It's all "he said she said" and why it is a bad situation, how could the girl's parents want to only point the blame at you and your son? Why was she at an unsupervised party in the first place? Did her parents know where she was at? YOUR son is not the one who totalled the car. The other boys did. There would have to be significant evidence too that shows all of this happened AT your home. Everything from the drinking to the boys "stealing" her keys. How do you know that the underage boys were not drunk before they arrived at your home? See.. there are a lot of little details that have yet to be revealed. Good luck to you.
Reply:ask this in the insurance catagory
Reply:i doubt anyone in your family will get in trouble.

but c'mon leaving a 16 and 18 year old home alone long enough to throw a party ?!
Reply:it really depends on how the cops want to handle it. your 18 year old could very well get in trouble for this. just thank god nobody was hurt.
Reply:yeah you might it get into some trouble. your oldest is old enough to be alone in the house but your 16 yr old should have been in someone's care. i would be more worried about where they got the beer from since they are both under 21. i think you should wait to find out what happens most parents would take action but there is no way to know for sure if they will press charges

boxing shoes

Any teens been on a................................ help me?

any teens been on a cruise?What was it like? What ship and company was it? where did you go? Did you meet any other teens?I heard Carnival has like dances and stuff do you know anything about that? Did you get bored? was the food good? PLEASE HELP ME

Any teens been on a................................ help me?
i went on a holland america cruise.

the ship was called the zaandaam.


I went to Alaska and it was fabulous!! The scenery was amaaazzinggg. there wasnt a time when i was bored. the food was fantastic, the rooms were comfy and nice. the people treat you like kings and queens. I didnt go to the teens club because i was having too much fun. there was an outdoor heated pool, two hot tubs, and an indoor pool, along with a spa, gym, and more that i cant remember. i went dog sledding on a glacier, and more funn stuff. it was awesomeeee! I

i 100% recommend Holland American Cruise Line. :]
Reply:i loved the carnival crusie.

1. dont have to follow a schedule

2. lots of places to stop

3. romantic indeed with the dances and drinks

4. the rooms are awsome comfortable beds good view of the ocean

5. the sights defintily

So fun!

The food was great!

They had Disney shows every night!

We went to the Bahamas!

At the time, I wasn't old enough, but they had a specially marked off place for teens.

I never got bored!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can teens go to clubs in Greece?

im going to greece over spring break with friends and we're all 16. can we go to clubs? will we stand out or do other teens go to clubs as well? are there specific clubs for teens? lots of questions haha. thanks :)

Can teens go to clubs in Greece?
Over 17 can be served alcohol. If it's a club on an island (aimed at tourists) then you may have no problem getting in - if it's Athens - then forget it!

There are no under 18 discos.
Reply:Yea.Decadence is the BEST of the BEST.

But teens usually go out in cafeterias and bars.
Reply:Yes you can go, but be careful,
Reply:pshhh i used to go to clubs with my cousins wen i was 11in the islands[kalymnos] ...u will definitely not stand out....but in athens u might not be able to get in....
Reply:It depends where you go, sure you can go to a club, but you can't go to night clubs. I believe you need to be 18 or 21. In spring break theres lots of out door parties and stuff, everywhere literally.
Reply:well you "technically" have to be 17 or accompanied by an adult under law to get into a club under the new law passed by Karamanlis afew years ago, but no one takes it seriously and you will get into 99% of the clubs you go to so have fun!
Reply:If they didn't the clubs would go bankrupt!!lol

Another teen question for Teens?

My son is 14 years old and actually a very good kid. Smart and talented. Just this past year or so he's been starting to get lazy with things. Such as his handwriting, reading, (he's reading smaller books cause he doesn't want to read bigger books cause he's being lazy) also instead of studying for a test he'll not study and risk getting a bad grade because he didn't want to study once again out of lazyness. He's getting to the point that he's lower his standards and what he's capable of doing because he's being flat out lazy instead of try harder and not being lazy. My question to any teens since you're in the same frame of mind as he is, what can I say or do to refrain him from being lazy and lower his standards like this, and also possibly continuing this path of lazyness that could go on into high school and possibly further???

Another teen question for Teens?
you have no idea.

i am smart and great at the violin, i dont practice but yet i get first chair in orchestra and get perfect scores on auditions, but i dont practice because im lazy. i could be sooooo much better. but im just luckily talented and can do it without practice, i take it for granted, and i dont think i will practice intill i get a wakeup call.

i think your son is in the same situation. he may need a wakeup call.he has succeeded and takes it for granted and thinks things will just come to him, maybe it will work. the only question is are you willing to risk it?

man i need to practice.
Reply:i was like that when i was younger but as i got into high school i grew out of it.
Reply:He might not be "lazy". He might not want to do it because he's starting to not understand. Try to give him things to do he might excel at instead of reading and books or such.

Try getting him in a sport, exersize, buy him a sketch book and some pencils or markers, take him to a museum or park.

If all else fails: give him a talk to.

sit down with him, ask him why he isnt studying, tell him you want to see him work harder at his studies.

Dont embaress him, stress him, OR put him on a guilt trip. just calmly talk to him.

Hope I've helped.

P.S. dont call hm "lazy". Its just plain rude.
Reply:maybe he gets teased I'm like one of the smartest kids in all my classes and they tease me but I just ignore them

they also tell me if they could copy and it gets annoying and now I'm starting to lower my standards as well
Reply:hahaha thats exactly like me! im 14 too, except im a girl but i am just as lazy as him, maybe even worse seeing as ive missed 27 days of school already. i just didnt feel like getting up lol.

my teachers are all like "jessica, you have the most potential out of everyone in your class, so why dont you try more?"

but school is gay.

i hate it.

i go there to talk to my friends and flirt with guys. thats it.

its just so much more fun not doing work.

and i hate having to think and stuff, its boring.

so there is nothing you can say or do to make him do better, at least thats the way it is for me. i just dont care.


i know once i get into high school im actually going to try becuase i know that that is when your grades really matter. thats probably what hes thinking too.

universitys dont care what your grades were in grade 7 and 8 - besides, its almost impossible to fail grade 8. because, as my guy friend put it oh so well, "they dont want to see your ugly face again next year" lmao.

hope that helps!
Reply:well i would say there is not much you CAN can't change his attitude...he is just being a teenager and he'll get over it...when he's about 25

dont push anything onto him...the more you try to get him to do something, the more it makes him want to go the exact opposite....

be his momma, but dont be overprotective and unreasonable

it will drive him to do things even worse
Reply:this was kind of like me. i did really good in school and then i started getting lazy about it. He's just flat out tired of doing school work everynight and going in 5 days a week to sit down and write stuff. i understand! tell him that you believe in him %26amp; that he can do well, and you just want whats best for him.

when he does good, let him know your proud. Or try rewarding him when he does good, and punishing (or taking away privleges) when he does bad.

also, set a homework time everynight when your both available. sit down with him and help him get through his homework. make him realize its not as bad as he really thinks it is.

hope i helped!(:
Reply:i would tell him if he didn't study or read that you will take away privileges and ground him for a month!!!