Every time I come to this section, I always see something about teen sex and teen pregnancy.
I'm a teen and I find the idea of sex disgusting. I don't understand what makes it so appealing to other teens.
What makes teens want to have sex so badly?
Sounds like you have been raised the right way. All teens are going to have hormones that make them want to sex. It is a normal feeling, but just because they have these feelings doesnt mean they should act on them. I know in my situation, at the time I didnt understand but now I know it was me wanting to feel desired and wanted. My mom and dad were not there for me the way parents should have been. Granted it is not their fault, I made the choice to have sex at 15 but I wish I would have waited till I was married or atleast older to make a healthier choice!!
Reply:curiosity.Besides guys want it more
Reply:Curiosity, and it is all over. Songs, movies, stars, t.v., books, magazines, etc. Keep your strong will and above all your morals.
Reply:hormone(testostrone and estrogen) levels jump up when you reaach puberty and since most people experience puberty in the teens teens hormone levels are out of control
Reply:this has been going on for as long as there was a boy and girl,,every generation has been into SEX,,,,,,,and trust me sex is not disgusting,,,,,that's how you got here,,right,,,the problem is not using protection,,,,,,,,,and the STD now could kill you,,,,or stay with you for the rest of you life and you get to pass it on to your true love...............well your parents will be happy to hear your thoughts about sex,,,,or they will take you to a shrink,,,(head Dr.)
Reply:I think the difference is your sense of 'self.' What I mean is some teens may come from a home where they are very confused about their self worth and use sex as a means to define who they are - define their relationship with men or try to find self worth. If you're content w/o it, way to go! In the long run you will be smarter and wiser and have more oppotunities. Having sex causes many problems that you do not want to deal with (diseases, babies, etc). You are a smart girl!!
Reply:i think the most common reasons arepressure and curiosity
Reply:i guess its to fit in i startin havin sex cuase i wanted to c wat it was like
Reply:hormones raging and having fu@ked up parents
Reply:because like u said...sex is everwhere..on tv, on the internet, in magazines... and not to mention peer pressure...its just how life is these days...
Reply:Most girls or boys are pressured into something like that. There friends might do it and you think you have to do it. Save yourself in til you get married. Find your man that is a virgin too. You and him can experience it together. Most girls like to get pregnant so they can get food stamps, welfare, or any kind of help from the state.
Reply:Somethings wrong with you, teens are at their sexual prime and are the most sexually charged. Its just natural.
Reply:because we are trieing to find ourselves sappossidly but we see the same stuff in the television, music videos, movies, everything we watch is aimed towards sex these days so we got the message and are now doing it so if all these things werent so dirty we wouldnt do it that much because as we see it from these things we see that it is publicly acceptable since it is advertised from alcohol to clothes, and also if your friend does it and brags well you might want to do it to make them shut up. but it just depends on who we are talking about.
Reply:Lots of teens think sex is the "in" thing. They think that everyone is doing it. You are a great role model to many other teens. Great job for you
Reply:It's so much fun and feels so good.
Reply:theyre called hormones. and it shows how mature you are if you can control them
Reply:One word: HORMONES. As teens and even some preteens go through puberty, their bodies are being flooded with sex hormones- that's what causes the changes in their bodies that develop their sex characteristics (hips, shoulders, breasts, facial hair, etc.) The hormones also affect the brain very dramatically- they are almost specificaly designed to overtake any logic or rational functions. The horonal overload, coupled with a curiosity about the budding sex characteristics, makes sexual relations very intriguing to teenagers.
Reply:Hormones have a big role in the sex drive. As young people just entering puberty, there' s loads of new chemicals, and new changes to the entire body, such that the message is "have babies early and often".
And, it is better for the parent, also, to have children before 30 yrs old; especially because of overall energy, and the effect on the cardio-vascular system.
Being in a situation of "not being ready for sex", "wanting to mature before having sex", "wanting the first time to be special", is one thing, and, for the most part, fairly normal. Because we're human beings, we can use Reason, and override hormonal drives, if we desire.
However, if you find sex "disgusting", you may have some issues from childhood that you would want to discuss with a trained therapist.
Reply:Hormones -- and the desire to feel grown up, AND the desire to be "loved."
Unfortunately, most teens (and a good many of the adults on here!) don't seem to know the difference between sex and love.
Reply:society makes it seem like sex is everything and brains is nothing. look at movies, even tv shows now thats all they seem to focus on. its sickening but thats how it is. im glad to hear a teen talk like that you re 1 in a million keep it up.
Reply:the forbidden fruit is the most desired
in other words... people want what they know they cant or arent supposed to have.
Reply:i agree... but like me (i'm 14) i want to save myself and it's just hormones starting to kick in. ever heard the song Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! at the Disco? it's a good song, and a good example of hormones. everyone starts to get curious, and then they get all sex crazy! here's the lyrics to the song btw.
Reply:The fact that kids want to be grown. Sex is so much more that laying down and doing it. There are so many other problems that arise after you have sex. STD's ect.....
Reply:uh well there teststerone is running wild lol, i dono must be a hormone or sumtin, im a teen and cant wait to have sex!
Reply:Well teens have high hormones. I love sex with my soon to be wife and it is becasue of sex I have my 3 year old daughter.
Reply:Teens are just learning and getting interested in the other gender. They suddenly notice their figures and what makes them attractive. As they learn more and more, they see that it's everywhere and and "study" it. They have a crave for it but don't woory. Once puberty's over, it will gradually fade.
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