Monday, November 16, 2009

How do u talk to your teen about drugs? and why do teens do drugs? Is it just curiosity or ...?

if none of your teens friends do drugs why would your teen experiment with them? is it because of curiosity or bordom or depression? if so, how do you turn your kids OFF to drugs? I thought i had a good relationship with my teen but I guess not as good as I thought. I dont do any eligal drugs but have done pot when I was a teen. I never bought it and I havent done it in years. why do teens do drugs? also hes 15 and has hurt himself on purpose, like scratches on his wrists because he was mad at his step dad...should I be worrying? because i am!is it because he wants my attention???

How do u talk to your teen about drugs? and why do teens do drugs? Is it just curiosity or ...?
No matter how good his life is or how much time you spend with your son...he's going to make his own decision. Teens are extremely unable to see the consequences of their actions, mostly long term. It's partly curiosity and partly escape. Doing things just because they know their not supposed to is a rush for them. Doing things their parents don't know is their way of having their own life, and thinking their on their own with their own decisions. A teens friends are his life. He's definitely in with kids he shouldn't be, even if their not his best friends.

Make sure your children always come first and always hear their what they have to say. Never critisize or judge before you know the whole story. Use priveledge punishment instead of yelling or grounding. Like no car or no TV.
Reply:BE WORRIED! BE VERY WORRIED! im a teen too, 15. the drugs prob. started out as curiosity, and now he may be hooked. as far as hurting himself, its probably a cry out for attention. i tried it once when i was pissed at my parents and got sent to my room after a huge fight we had, i never did it again, but i kno people get addicted to that as well. us just gotta sit with him, and talk about all of it. he wont want to talk at first, but if u have a pretty good relationship and u ask all the right questions, he'll probably open up and say why he's started all this. if that fails, get a counselor/psychiatrist involved. good luck!
Reply:Your son is acting out for attention. Either yours or his father's. Spend time with your son, be more involved, go do activities together like bowling or hiking. See if you can get his real father to be more active in his life also.

Kids do drugs because they are not happy with their life. A well adjusted kid won't have a reason to experiment.
Reply:If you really think your kid is trying to hurt himself get him some help,RIGHT NOW!!! My parents were very open and honest with me about drugs. It seemed to take away some of the taboo. I would just ask, not interogate (sp?) be honest let him know you won't stand for it but at the same time let him know you love him and support him. Don't take the cutting stuff too lightly. It probably is just for attention but make sure he knows that you are aware of it and that it scares you. I hope it works out, and remember most of us seem to survive the teenage years somehow.
Reply:Don't talk to them just say you can be honest with me no matter what
Reply:The self abuse in teens SOMETIMES is a way of expression. I have had friends, perfectly fine, hurt themselves in order to rid of their pain and bring them back to reality.....I am no expert on this issue. I used drugs as a teen (pot) and did it out of enjoyment! I dove into a pool May 27 2005 while I was high.....and I now am a quadriplegic due to drugs and got me a wheelchair FOR LIFE ! Like the saying goes all fun and games until someone gets hurt!!!
Reply:OK as a teen who has done drugs alot... pot ppl say it is the gateway drug, and kids try to deny it like i did..but it is!. kids try pot because they are bored..or kids always want something new to do and it sounds cool and there are like no negative side effects so kids will do it.. and then you get into other drugs like mushrooms and acid...I'm not an expert on mushrooms but they aren't realy bad for you, the worst thing is the taste. now acid is completely 100% harmless unless u have epilepsy then it can cause a seizure, acid will actually make kids get an idea in there own head to stop doing drugs, acid is an amazing mind expanding drug. when you are on it you are constantly thinking, why do i do this.. what am i gunna do with my life..i need to grow up and stop all this if I'm going to live on my own someday. all things like that, so id say as long as the drugs stay in the harmless psychedelics you have nothing to worry about. and if the kid is grounded for drug abuse, he/she will mostly likely do it again because by grounding them they get even more bored and have less to do so it seems like a good idea..and just to piss of their parents, i know all this from experience...peace

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