Thursday, November 19, 2009

Teens Today?

why are many teens so sheep like?? such as buying trendy clothes,buying the latest technology, listening to music with no meaning(most). why do teens give into what big corporations want them to buy? am i the only one that notices this?

Teens Today?
When my daughter was in high school, she used to call the pressure to conform "let's be everyone else!" hahaha.

I understand what you're trying to say, but it's really not at all accurate...nor exclusive to today's generation of teenagers.

All you have to do is go back as far as the 1920s, and you'll see that the teens of each of those times have had their "sheeple" as it were....and their fads and trends. At first it was laughed off, but then Corporate America figured out that with the large number of baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) there was a lot of money to be made...and it just continued.

However, it's not just those between the ages of 10-20 who are easy pickings.

I've seen people who are in their 40s, 50s and even upwards into their 80s.... people whom you'd think are old enough to better...but who are still conformists and slaves to the pressure of their peers! How else would you explain the popularity of silly groups like The Red Hat Society where all the women wear purple and red to their gatherings, the upswing in people getting cosmetic surgery and Botox treatments, people buying houses they KNOW that they can't afford... or even the re-election of George Bush?

Some people never get past that jr. high school mentality.

You can blame the advertising industry and media for much of this herd mentality...or you just simply realize that most people prefer to to take the well traveled fit in with other people rather than standing out and risk ridicule or ostracism.

As for me, I prefer the latter although I've given in to the occasion fad or trend at times...and enjoyed it, too lol. At the end of the day, it's about what makes YOU happy...and if those same things just happen to make other people happy, too, and becomes popular, oh well...
Reply:For the same reason that so many 20/30/40 year olds are sheep like - they want to create an image that aligns themselves with the identity that they think they should portray. It's definitely not a phenomenon that is exclusive to teenagers.

Do you know how many twenty-somethings live their lives, with their cheap, fake Louis Vuitton bags, as if they're in an episode of Sex and the City? And how many 40 year olds want all the latest home accessories?

I think non-conformity is pretty much a myth. Even the "non-comfortists" try to fit into their own categories, and where clothes that other people in their reference group wear. I think that the reason it is less obvious when you move into adulthood is because there are more images to choose from.
Reply:Thats not entirely true, many 'teens' buy certain things because they like them,, the things you notice in shops for young people tend to be 'trendy',, but that doesn't mean they buy everything they see in the media. As for technology, its advancing and 'teens' are the only group of people who seem to be able to work all the new gadgets out there (no offence oldies).

And everyone has different tastes in music,, whether its rap or classical, all music takes skill and you should admire the artist for that even if what they do is not to your taste. As for me,, The Clash and Aerosmith is all I need ;D

I'm a teenager Im at the point where everyone is a sheep.

Im in 8th grade,

I understand the music with no meaning.

Everyone tells me I'm way behind on the times.

I listen to 70s and 80s classic rock.

And for some reason, people tell me that I'm really cool that I dont follow trends or anything, and some say they want to be like me because they think I have alot of friends and a good reputation.

Teenagers annoy me to, and I hate having to say I am one.
Reply:I agree. I mean, I buy cute clothes, but I don't try to blend in, I try to stand out. And I listen to REAL music. Also, I don't spend all my money on clothes and stuff. I take my friends out to lunch, buy gifts for them, stuff like that. But most teens are too scared to stand out, so they blend in. Oh well, their loss!
Reply:Umm not everybody is like this. Ive been wearing baggy clothes and showin my a** for years before it ever became a trend and Im not about to change now that everybody is wearing them queer skinny jeans and medium t shirts, I will stick to my XXXL thank you very much.

Same goes for music, I listen to what I been listening to all my life: rap,reggae, and some african stuff I know from having grown up in east africa.

Not everybody likes soulja boy, but your right a lot of people just do whatevers "hot" at the moment and listen to whatevers on MTV but I dont understand it because are they truthfully doing what they want or just trying to fit in.

I been listening to the triple 6 from back before Lord Infamous got locked up, Eight Ball and MJG and DJ Screw (RIP) since before everybody was buying into the hype.

I clearly remember playing mike jones in my deck and people telling me I was retarded and had no taste and that mike jones and the south was wack. Then next week his video premiered on MTV and after years of people tellin me I was stupid, they were instant "lifelong fans" and had Mike Jones and HTown writeen on their backpacks in white out.

This **** makes no sense to me, because how will you be happy if your not doing what you really like
Reply:It's a phase that all teens go through. Some teens mature out of it faster and some dont. The teenage years are akward and most of them feel insecure with themselves. So they go along with what everyone else is doing to make them feel accepted to fit in. Once they mature they will stop.
Reply:Teens have always been like this. They are suckers for a trend. It's just that today they have more disposable income and a lack of priorities and responsibility.
Reply:Err HELLO ? it's not that easy you know, it's a very tough period of time and one of the easiest ways to try and live it out is by blending in and not singling ourselves out in a potentially dangerous way
Reply:it's always been like this(the wanting of bigger and better things) and it's not going to change. But come on,adults are just the same.
Reply:cuz thats how teens are.
Reply:hey your only a teen for x years you gotta live it out
Reply:Whats up your

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