Friday, November 13, 2009

Teens killing homeless people?

Somehow, even with all that is going in the world, I cannot take this - why does this horrify me more than almost anything? I'm sick to my stomach, and I read practically all of the bad news and harsh truth in our media every day. Do you feel this way?


Teen 'sport killings' of homeless on the rise

The attackers often are teens who strike with no provocation. "It all started off as a game," said Nathan Moore, a teen in prison for murdering Rex Baum, a homeless man living on the streets in Milwaukee. "We just started hitting him." Violent attacks against the homeless are at the highest level in almost a decade, with 20 deaths last year.

Teens killing homeless people?
It's sad, pathetic....and a really nasty consequence of our society's ways of *not* solving problems and helping people, at both ends.

--On the one hand, this is the same sort of thing that comes up with school shootings. Where. Were. The. PARENTS?? Really. I am just utterly flabbergasted to the living end by are teenagers allowed to roam the streets in packs like this for this purpose?

I'll *tell you how*. We're too busy, as adults who really really *ought to and must know better*, we're too busy being slaves to the grind to actually *pay any attention to other people, never mind our own kids*. So we tell them to "take their pills" or to "listen to their iPod and chill", we let them roam the internet without even glancing over their shoulders once...we think the money and the Ritalin and the toys are a good enough substitute for actually being there for them.

When really, all it does is mask the pain, until it mutates into hatred and sociopathy. Which isn't that hard to do, seeing as how with teenage humans, the *brain* is the last part of the body to fully *grow up*.

--Then there is the other side....the homelessness. Quite simply put, we need to stop treating our poorest poor people like such utter garbage. We need to stop letting New Orleans, and countless tiny "pocket economy" small towns in the Appalachian mountains, in Southeast Missouri, near the Indian Reservations and down in Texas "border country", we need to stop letting whole towns and people by the *thousands* slip through the cracks. Too many people are lost to drugs, cheap booze, hometowns where the economy is so depressed that local unemployment rates of 30-40% are the rule, not the exception, and tax bases so small that public services are almost imaginary, the basics (police and fire departments, public schools, post offices) are barely funded and sorely understaffed.

Too many are lost what do they do? They move, try to get to civilization to get a life....only to find that they don't have the education or life skills to overcome their problems, and they wind up on the streets poorer than before.

Where people routinely spit at them and piss and moan at them for being failures. But if these people had any hope of finding even part-time work and a roof over their heads, they wouldn't *be* on the streets, wouldn't be targets.

But nah, that would be a sign of a society that *cares*, and we gave that up as being politically correct ages ago, huh?

I'm just saying. The problem wouldn't be as bad at both ends, if only people would pay more attention to one another and be there and help one another.

Is it so hard? -_-
Reply:Thank you for the Best Answer, much appreciated...and you're welcome. :) I am sorry if I rambled a bit but it really does irk me, that these horrors have to rear up before *most folks* pay any attention to their neighbors, their kids...y'know, their fellow *Human Beings.* Report It

Reply:(continued) And really, that isn't the time to do it, to pay attention. By then it's too late. The *time* to do it, the time to care and to help people have a place in society is *before* lives get ruined (with the homelessness) and *before* minds get twisted (with the teens). Report It

Reply:well,it gives them something to do and killing for sport has been around for all time a aND when they follow the "pack" mentality, they have no individual conscience to stop the rampage,

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