Friday, November 13, 2009

People who say teens are immature?

how is it that just teens are immature? so you heard a few bad thinks about teens, doesnt mean they are ALL immature, its PEOPLE who are immature NOT teens. dont give me the bull that all teens are and deffently dont give me the bull that all adults are mature. hell no they arent! its just like men, we as women like to say that all men are pigs....well they arent all pigs, there are more good guys out there than pigs. So dont give me the bull that ALL teens are immature and ALL adults are mature. you hear a few bad stories and all of a sudden they have a bad name.

People who say teens are immature?
I find it morso to be the parents fault if the teen is messed up for not raising them right and not becoming involved with the teen or childs life especialy be a friend to the kid as well as a parent but now and days parents just don't care enough to put forth effort in raising them right and teaching them......and for the parents who have been involed and are today then I tip my hat to you
Reply:for one thing you are immaturely ranting

and two

there are more pigs than good men

so get it right
Reply:quit being so immature.

Reply:We define maturity is two ways.

By the vary nature of things, teens are "immature" in the sense that they have not reached their physical maturity; they are still growing.

Most of the time "Immature" is used in an emotional sense, that many are held captive by their emotions and go flying off the handle all the time or do things that do not showcase a more reasoned approach to things.

This, too, is to be expected, as they lack real-life experience and do not know what to do in such a circumstance.

I rate teens on a case-by-case basis
Reply:I agree with this, but damn, you seem a bit angry. Have an issue over it?

I'm a teen. I hate it when people think of me lower because of this - I usually go into conversations without telling my age at first and then when they ask it, they have sort of a double take. And I've known some pretty immature adults. I've given adults advice. @_@
Reply:Lol. Not all teens are immature, but most are, because they are still children. If you're referring to teens 13-17, then yes, most are considered immature. It depends on your life experience and how quickly you are forced to grow up. Not all women say men are pigs, all women who have been hurt by men say men are pigs. I'm a woman, i'm 20, and i'm more mature than most people who are 25. I'm also female, and trust me sweetheart, not all men are the same, you obviously attract the pigs.
Reply:there was this 30 something guy talking to me and i said " why do people say "That's gay"? what do they have against gay people?" and he walked away and said " F*g lover" so rude ! :(
Reply:I know how you feel. I was a very mature young man and had to deal with stereotypes too. It's just generalization just like anything else. It's just considered acceptable for some reason.
Reply:Most teenagers "are" immature and we know this because we've been there. I was probably one of the teens that were more mature than my peers, only because I've been through a lot in life but looking back, I did make poor choices and mistakes in general just because I wasn't mature enough to handle certain situations...of course, I thought, at the time, I was very mature enough to handle anything.

You are right that a lot of grown ups can be immature but they are adults who rely on themselves only and they are accountable for everything they do in life. Teenagers are still considered minors for a reason.

I don't believe all men are pigs or that all women are bitches. I don't know where you are getting your information but there are different people out there that think differently.

This just reminded me of a friend of mine who thinks all black people are in a gang and basically on welfare or dealing drugs. I guess I can understand how she would think that way since the black people that she's ever come in contact with were that way but she's only limiting herself to getting to know some of the great people (that I've known and happened to be black) and missing the opportunity of having an open-mind and an open-heart.

** Why do you think that being immature as a teenager is a bad thing???? I don't understand? I WISH I was immature and naive when I was younger. I understand being mature has its pluses but so does being naive. Also, learn to let go of your anger, that comes with being mature. You seem to think EVERYONE thinks that "all" teens are immature...isn't that what your argument is? The generalization of it? And you're doing the same thing. **
Reply:i personally think ppl shouldn't stereotype...they are adults that are childish too...
Reply:pretty Immature to type a huge rant, and not even have a question in it..

"there is a question in there, you are just too dumb to realize that im asking "why do people stereotype" "

Case and point......
Reply:You're SOOO right!
Reply:Know exactly how you feel.....

im still a teen and people like to stereotype ALL of us -.-

must be part of growing up or something.
Reply:When I was a teenager, I was more mature than most people my age and I had to deal with the stereotypes. On one hand, I can understand where they come from. A large number of teenagers are pretty immature, but it stems from the situation into which society puts them.

Teenagers aren't adults yet according to the law or society... but biologically? Yeah, technically, they are adults. But socially, they aren't children anymore, either. It's this horrible in-between time when everything becomes a struggle. Factor in social problems at school with cliques and trends, and then factor in parents who aren't really ready for their kids to grow up. Teens tend to think they know everything, but really they still have a lot to learn. Nobody really realizes how much they will learn, change, and grow within even just 2 years' time. That can lead to some ********* on the part of the teen.

That doesn't mean all teenagers are immature; far from it. Like I said, I wasn't that immature, though I had my moments, I'm sure... and most of my friends were pretty mature as well. I was annoyed by the immature, teenage BS when I was part of it and chose not to surround myself with it.

Most adults will pick up on whether a teen is mature or not just by talking to them... but the stereotypes are always there. Every group has to deal with them, not just teenagers...

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