Monday, May 4, 2009

What makes some teens kill their own family?

Or each other? On the news there was this teen girl that killed her family because they didn't approve of her boyfriend or something(something to do with her boyfriend).

There have been reports of teens or kids killing their parents.

Or teens killing an outsider because they hate him/her.

What gets them to murder? I'm not saying ALL teens are murderers. It just seems like that teens are more likely to kill than adults.(I could be wrong)

For those with kids(I don't have kids), how do you prevent your kids from growing up to be killers?

What makes some teens kill their own family?
It's just anger and not knowing how to deal with it.
Reply:Most people who commit those crimes are people that are anti-social, sorry just what I learned in a psy class, and do not have fantasies of hurting anybody, it's true, my old teacher said, that people have fantasies of hitting somebody when they are angry, or having sexual fantasies other times when not dealing with anger, and this is healthy as it relieves are stress knowing that we would never actually hurt somebody, or engage in a particular sex act, and therefore are healthy people. A lot of peopel who lack that ability end up making up for not having fantasies that involving hitting by actually hurting a person much worse then that when they are angry:

Another reason is each person has a stress breaking part, but most of us know in a healthy way how to deal with something that throws us beyond our mental boundries, and some people never learned those healthy habits, thus, thinking if they, "get rid of their problem." they could have the life they feel that want or were supposed to have had they had their way.

The world has also become more violet with violence plastered all over the t.v in the movies nad lyrics children grow up listening to. There was an experiment years ago where an adult, in front of a child or was it something on tv, punched an inflateable thing and then the child was seen beating the thing up afterwards to show violence learned.
Reply:a guy ive known since elementary school recently killed his whole family, including his two very young brothers. the community is very distraught- apparently he killed them because of a simple fight with his father. some people just have issues i guess
Reply:some teens don't know how to use some kinda of reliever of stress... its hard school, friends, drama, the sex, homework, and with parents all ways riding your back it makes them seem like the bad guys ... they want them to have to deal with it like when we were kids... that is what i think
Reply:I imagine there are some studies that will explain this however I think some of these crimes are commited simply because they can. How do you explain a group of kids swarming a stranger and stomping them to death? How do you explain teens who kill their families because they don't want to follow the house rules?How do you explain someone being killed because someone thought you disrespected them by "looking at them".Young people who commit crimes are not held accountable for their actions and what penalty they are meted out is so minimal it seems justice took the day off.Years ago a dentist and his family were brutally murdered and the" young offender" got 3 years for that, one year for each life taken.The laws that are in place are not effective .Many of these crimes are planned and show premeditation I would think.I don't think it is diminished capacity either ,I think it is their belief their life is worth more than someone elses.They have no respect for life,so to them it is disposable.So why do these kids kill their parents,simply because they can, As a parent we can let our children know we love them, give them the tools upon which to live their life.A strong foundation will support most things including people.Children who feel loved, have been given parameters, been given responsibility as well as acountability, have been allowed to make choices ( good and not so good) are better prepared to face life Wee must not only talk to our children,we must listen to each other..As parents we can only do so much.At the end of the day we can only hope it was enough.NO PARENT ever dreams of their child becoming a murderer!

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